🐄 Bovine Rectal Ultrasound 🐄
Ever wonder what the doctor is looking at during the herd preg check? Here you can see the body and head of an early gestation fetus using our #easiscan rectal ultrasound! Check out those little baby hooves! 🐮💕
Buck is one happy camper when it comes to feeding time, slobber and all! Happy Monday everyone! 🐮
Heartworms ❤️
Due to recent rainfall and warming temperatures, mosquito season is upon us! Therefore it is important to keep up with your monthly or yearly heartworm prevention!
What are Heartworms? 
❤️Heartworm disease is a mosquito borne nematodal infestation caused by Dirofilaria immitis.
❤️Dogs are the most common domestic host and cats can occasionally become infected as well.
❤️After being bitten by a mosquito carrying the disease, larvae are are inoculated under the skin of your pet and as they mature the larvae enter the bloodstream.
❤️ Early infections are typically asymptomatic but as the worms mature and multiply the disease will eventually become fatal if not treated.
We recommend keeping your pet on prevention all year long. We have multiple options for prevention including Heartgard (a monthly chewable) and Pro-heart (6 or 12month injection).
Check out this heartworm under the microscope! 🪱