Yoda doing the “place” thing. #abctrainingkennels #obedience training #omahadogtraining #boardandtrain
A’tturo vom Hause Elite..17 months old. Yana x Hector. Love his willingness to work. For Pet training and IGP sport help. Call(402)588-0888.
ABC Training Kennels
Big Carlos. Impulse control, dog reactivity, excessive barking when the doorbell ring…no all under control. #abctrainingkennels #boardandtraindogtraining #petsofinstagram #noonedoesitbetter #reactivedogtraining
No more rushing out the door. You can sit with the kids in the front while your dog is on the place cot. You can even go and check your mail while he sits and waits patiently. We never use the the”Stay” command. It is redundant. Call ☎️ now…(402) 589-0888. #abctrainingkennels #petsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #boardandtraindogtraining #noonedoesitbetter #nebraskadogtrainer
Two dog household…all dogs and all breeds. Come see us.
17 week old Preacher - Boxer puppy. Foundation Obedience Training Option. Lesson two and he is rocking it. www.abctrainingkennels.com. Make your appointment now…call (402) 588-0888.
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All dogs…All ages…All breeds…All issues 12 year old Lucy with dog and people reactivity after one week with us. Way to go Lucy!!! #abctrainingkennels #nebraskadogsofinstagram #aggressivedogtrainingandrehabilitation #reliabletrainingsolutions #mixbreedsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #obediencetraining #mixbreedsofinstagram #reactivedogsofinstagram
Two-dog household is not an issue. Very first time out in public with Dash and Duke. www.abctrainingkennels.com. Call (402) 588-0888 for your free phone consultation.#abctrainingkennels #obediencetraining #dogsofinstagram #dogsofomaha #nebraskadogsofinstagram #aggressivedogtrainingandrehabilitation #reactivedogsofinstagram #vizsla #mixbreedsofinstagram #reliabletrainingsolutions
Mylo and Melon working on the place and kennel commands.
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Gene, Taylor, Dash and Duke working even when it is cold outside.
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Wes and his buddy Rocco have a new found freedom to go anywhere. Rocco came to us all the way from Oklahoma.
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