HR Boss and HRCH trigger working as a team!! Bill Smith. #kinetichuntingops #labsofinstagram #GetAfterIt #divebombindustries #red #kineticdogfood #duck #labradorretriever #nodaysoff #foxred #arkansaslife #field #speck #arkansas #labrador #specklebelly #go #outdoors #Arkansas #lab #duck #goose #kineticdogfood #sitkagear #sitkawaterfowl #duckduckgoose
HR Sunni nit@stopping til@she gets her duck!! #GetAfterIt #kineticdogfood #Arkansas #kinetichuntingops #labrador #arkansaslife #duck #arkansas #nodaysoff #outdoors #lab #training #divebombindustries #field #divebomb #labradorretriever #labsofinstagram #go #red #foxred #foxredlab #foxredlabrador #foxredlabradorsofinstagram #foxredlablove #foxredlabs #foxredlabsofinsta #chase #chaseyourdreams #stop #cantstop
Black ops training under the light to beat the heat! #nodaysoff #ducksofinstagram #blackops #underthelights #night #beattheheat#divebombindustries #3am #GetAfterIt #workingwhileyousleep #yardwork #GoingDark
Backwoods Retrievers getting after it!!
Gunner’s last day of duck dog training! Gunner came to us with great prep training but man did he try to anticipate what I was trying to get him to do. That cause some control issues that we had to get sorted and locked down. Now Gunner is under control and ready to get after some green heads! We are excited to see what he can do and see the stacks of birds he will make! Get ‘em Gunner!! Corey Isom
#backwoodsretrievertraining #dogs #arkansas #boom #dogstagram #dog #booyah #dogtraining #duckdogintraining #duckdogsofinstagram #labrador #labradorretriever #labsofinstagram #chocolate #lab #chocolatelab #chocolatelabsofinstagram #chocolatelabs
Promo video! Check us out!
Promo video! This is what we are all about!!
I do not own the rights to the music.
#promo #promotion #duckdog #duckdogsofinstagram #duckdogtraining #duckdogintraining #arkansaslife #arkansasoutdoors #riceland #green #timber #greentimber #greentimberduckhunting #timber #HavocBoats #havoc #Havoc #premier #calls #premiercalls #sitkagear #sitkawaterfowl #bandedwaterfowl #dakodadecoys #tohotsu #yeti #yeticooler #yeticoolers #labradorretriever #labrador