Good afternoon, Horseshoe Ridge:
As you might see, the holiday lights are currently being installed throughout the community. While the HOA Board of Directors has been adamant and dedicated to adding/replacing some of the lights, we’ve been faced with a few challenges that the Board wanted to address with the community:
1. While the Board has made numerous efforts to work with external vendors to add and/or replace some of the lights, the lack of available vendors and available labor (which has declined over the last several years) has resulted in the Board looking at various options to try and be as proactive as possible. As a result, timely communication with external vendors has been challenging, as well as the Board’s ability to receive and review vendor bids in a timely fashion.
2. Due to the lack of available manpower and labor with external vendors, the cost to purchase and install new lights throughout the entire community was going to be too high for the Board feel comfortable with approving this year.
While these challenges have prevented the Board from being able to have all new lights added throughout the community, additional lights/décor are being added to the large south monument off of Triple Crown Drive and Motsenbocker. The Board is in the process of receiving/reviewing bids to ensure that new/additional lights will be installed next year.
While the Board is frustrated by this, we wanted to ensure that the community is aware of what’s happening and understands that the Board is aware of the frustration that this may cause. Again, the Board has been made numerous attempts to rectify the situation in a timely manner, but oftentimes, working with external vendors that are experiencing severe labor shortages, rising costs, and continued requests for new bids/proposals causes delays and disruptions, which forces the Board to make tough decisions.
The Board asks that the community be patient as it works to remedy the situation for next year. At the same time, the Board would like to highlight the number of enhancement projects that have been completed over the past year, including: 30+ tress planted throughout the main thoroughfares; retaining wall addition north of the playground; and mulch to rock conversion and relandscaping of the walkway between Triple Crown Drive and Coral Burst Lane.
As always, we would ask that rather than taking to social media to vent frustrations about issues throughout the community, please speak directly with Board Members or Westwind Management. Because Board Members are volunteers elected by the community, issues may arise that Board Members are not aware of and posting issues and/or frustrations to social media may not resolve the issues in a timely manner. Instead, we encourage the community to speak (respectfully) to Board Members or ask how you might be able to assist the Board in addressing some of the challenges it may be faced with.
The Board appreciates the opportunity to serve the homeowners and residents of Horseshoe Ridge and will work very hard to ensure that new lights and added for the next holiday season.
Please feel free to contact Brian McKelvey directly to ask questions, express any concerns, or speak about how you may be able to assist the Board now and in the future.
Brian McKelvey, President
On behalf of the HSR HOA Board of Directors
[email protected]
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