#puppiesforadoption #cavapoopuppy #cutepuppies
Princess' puppies are doing well and are about 1.5 weeks old today. There are 4 males and 3 females in this litter. They are super cute and I don't know if I've ever seen as much diversity in colors like in this litter. One is white,some have white chests,one is very light red colored,some have white paws and white markings on their head. I think these puppies are and are going to be extremely cute. Cavapoos are great family dogs with traits from the king charles cavalier and mini poodle. Feel free to reach out with any questions. We at Compass Puppies are here for you and strive to give you a great adoption experience !! Enjoy the video from today!
Our puggle puppies are turning 2 weeks old tomorrow and they are doing well. They are super cute and getting fat little bellies from all the nutritious milk they've been having lately. They have very nice markings,some have white chests and white paws. There are 5 males and 3 females in this litter. In about a week we will be putting on their color coded collars and naming them. Puggles make great family dogs with the traits of the beagle and pug. Our beagle has always been gentle with our kids,calm,just a great personality.If you have any interest feel free to message us.