Located in Parkland, WA. My Policies
•Services are Drop Off/Pick Up.
•Pet parents can wait in the parking lot in visitor parking, but as this is an apartment complex, visitor parking is not guaranteed
•Please wear a mask for transfer, I will likely want to chat with you briefly and give the dog a moment to acclimate.
•You will be notified at about the 30min mark before the groom is compl
ete and again when the groom is done.
•Please make sure your pet has used the bathroom prior to groom and not eaten for minimum 12hrs before the groom. If your dog voids in my home, cleaning charges may be applied.
•Payment is taken prior to groom at drop off, cash only.
•I do not work with aggressive/aggressive-when-scared, or nippy dogs. This is for both the dog's safety and my own.
•In the event your dog bites me, the groom will likely be stopped immediately and you will be called to pick up your dog.
•I do not do flea and tick treatments. Please do not bring your dog if they have any form of parasites or are sick.
•Because I work from home, not a separate facility, this is very important. If I find that your pet has fleas, a flea charge will be added
•Please do not bring your dog if you or someone in your household has Covid.