The Isle of Misfits

The Isle of Misfits The Isle of Misfits is the name of my 5 acre farm that is home to over 30 misfit animals.

We’re not a rescue, and I’m not a veterinary professional—just a weirdo that loves animals. 🐾💜 Welcome to the community, and don’t forget to ! We are not open for farm tours, weddings, or events at this time due to COVID-19, but keep an eye on our events tab to be notified of our local pop-up events!

Thought you’d enjoy some recent Celine photos. 😻 These were taken at her last vet visit, and the last pic is with her be...

Thought you’d enjoy some recent Celine photos. 😻 These were taken at her last vet visit, and the last pic is with her bestie, Dr. Sanin. Celine weighs a whopping 5.9 pounds now! A far cry from the tiny 3 ounce nugget I took in over a year ago. I’m so proud of this sweet girl 💜

Today is black cat appreciation day! 🖤If you couldn’t already tell, I adore black cats, and have a total of NINE living ...

Today is black cat appreciation day! 🖤

If you couldn’t already tell, I adore black cats, and have a total of NINE living here at the farm:

Walter Croncat, Lazarus, Bill & Kitty Purry, Chad Smith, and the four barn cats: Tina Purrrrner, Mariah Hairy, Pawla Abdul, and Momma Joan Jett.

Posting some of my favorite pictures of my tiny panther brigade, including Frida Catlo and Queen Esther who have since crossed the rainbow bridge.

I’m starting to think the reason Stacy and Darcy haven’t been adopted is because of the god-awful “home haircuts” I’ve b...

I’m starting to think the reason Stacy and Darcy haven’t been adopted is because of the god-awful “home haircuts” I’ve been giving them. 😂

8 years ago today, this hairless wonder came to live with me. When I first saw Harvey at Hillsborough County Pet Resourc...

8 years ago today, this hairless wonder came to live with me.

When I first saw Harvey at Hillsborough County Pet Resource Center, he was up for euthanasia. He had bitten an animal control officer, had multiple medical issues, and snapped any time someone tried to touch him. I’ll never forget the look in the eyes of the adoption counselor when I told her I was there specifically for Harvey.

She asked me if I was sure. She told me about Harv’s bite history and his extensive medical issues. Then she teared up when she told me his adoption fee was a measly $20. I told her I was sure, and that Harvey was definitely going to be my dog.

She took me to his cage, and threw a blanket over top of Harv before picking him up to protect herself from a potential bite. Harv didn’t flinch. Then she put him in my arms and this “vicious” chihuahua tucked his head under my neck and went to sleep.

Harvey came home with me that day.

“Kill shelters,” as they’re called, get a lot of bad press when the truth is, pet overpopulation is a community issue. If you’re looking for a family pet, please consider adopting from a “kill shelter.” You are really saving two lives that way: the life of the animal you adopt, and the life that newly adopted animal makes room for.

Happy 8 year adoptaversary Harvey. I love you so much my little “blind as a bat, bald as a boiled egg” prince. I wouldn’t trade our time together for anything and I would choose you again a million times over. 💜

Let me introduce you to the glue that’s been keeping this farm together over the last four weeks:This is Indigo. 💜Togeth...

Let me introduce you to the glue that’s been keeping this farm together over the last four weeks:

This is Indigo. 💜

Together, we’ve been breaking our backs to get this farm ready for summer. I can say that the animals and property have never looked better thanks to their help.

I couldn’t ask for a better assistant (or friend) to help me get my proverbial 💩 together than this glorious little lima bean right here.

You can also catch Indigo kava tending at Botanical Brewing Co. Lakeland.

Thank you Indigo for loving my animals like your own, and welcome to the misfit brigade. 💜

Sweet puppy looking for a forever home through our friends at Limbo Chihuahuas 💜

Sweet puppy looking for a forever home through our friends at Limbo Chihuahuas 💜

No animal is “just a stray” or “just a feral” in my world. Though neurologically blind, Lazarus is living his best life ...

No animal is “just a stray” or “just a feral” in my world.

Though neurologically blind, Lazarus is living his best life now because my friends Megan Siegfried Howard and Dr Katie Emerson felt the same way.

Would you like to learn how to help cats like Lazarus in your community? Are you interested in ways you can give your senior pet the best quality of life possible? Do you want to help the people and pets in your local community but have no idea where to start?

Join me this June for the first ever “Adopt the Weird Ones” community seminar. This event will be FREE to attend and will also be live-streamed for anyone who can’t be there in person.

Stay tuned for more details, and stay weird Tampa Bay! 💜🐾

This is Lazarus. He died for six minutes and came back on my birthday, September 19th.  His is a story of death and rebi...

This is Lazarus. He died for six minutes and came back on my birthday, September 19th. His is a story of death and rebirth on many levels.

Lazarus began his journey as an unnamed stray cat that was brought in for a routine surgery under one of Tampa Bay’s community spay/neuter programs. As a feral, he was trapped and given a routine sedative prior to his surgery. Long story short, Lazarus does NOT tolerate sedatives well, and he inadvertently bought a (roundtrip) ticket to see kitty Jesus.

The medical team, headed by my good friend Dr. Emerson, fought to save Lazarus and performed what can only be described as a medical miracle seldom seen. Despite being without a pulse for six minutes, Lazarus’s heart began beating again.

The lack of oxygen damaged the small vessels in his eyes rendering him neurologically blind, but over the course of six months, Dr. Emerson and her veterinary nurse Megan provided around the clock rehab and care to sweet Lazarus. To them, he was more than just an unnamed community cat. To them, Lazarus was deserving of love, care, and a shot at a good quality of life.

When I had to help Ninja over the rainbow bridge last week, I didn’t know it yet, but Dr. Emerson was already in my inbox with Lazarus. He had finally reached a point where he could enjoy a forever home, and Dr. E wanted to know if that home could be with me. Of course I said yes.

I firmly believe that when one animal leaves me, they act as a sort of guardian angel for another misfit that needs help. Ninja left the Isle of Misfits just as Lazarus was being born into our pack.

Lazarus died and was “reborn” on my birthday. I don’t think life has random coincidences. I believe Lazarus is here by design, and I can’t wait to share his journey with you. Welcome home Lazarus. 💜 😻

Ninja visited me in a dream last night. He was flanked by Tito and PJ, my two chihuahuas that started the Isle of Misfit...

Ninja visited me in a dream last night. He was flanked by Tito and PJ, my two chihuahuas that started the Isle of Misfits with me and crossed the rainbow bridge before him. The three of them walked up to me with Ninja in the middle. He didn’t have his wheels anymore because he didn’t need them, and all three of them looked so at peace.

I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but when I dream I go to the same place every night. It’s a beach town, similar to the one I lived in for over ten years. I’ve been dreaming of this place for many years. In the beginning, the dreams were always nightmares and something awful would happen every time I visited this dream city.

Recently, however, my dreams have been evolving. I’ve been seeing lost friends and animals in this place and whenever they appear, the nightmare fades away and I begin to have the most amazing lucid dreams. It’s almost as though the more nightmarish my conscious, physical world gets, the more beautiful and peaceful this dream world becomes. Like my nightmares are leaving the dream world and finding a new home in this earthly plane. I don’t know what to make of it all. I just know that I used to be afraid to go to sleep at night, but now I look forward to it. Everyone I miss in this world, now comes to comfort me in my dreams. It’s beautiful and strange at the same time.

I’ve dreaded writing this post. Four days ago. Ninja, my soul mutt, my most perfect meatball, my best friend crossed the...

I’ve dreaded writing this post. Four days ago. Ninja, my soul mutt, my most perfect meatball, my best friend crossed the rainbow bridge.

He had been losing weight over the last several months, but his labs, appetite, and energy level were all normal. I attributed the weight loss to the fact that we were hiking and running around the farm together a lot.

About a week ago, he started refusing food. Ultrasounds and scans showed no intestinal issues, and his labs showed only an elevated white count. We started treating for a UTI, but within days my sweet boy also started refusing water. I knew I couldn’t watch him deteriorate any longer, and the incredible staff at helped him peacefully transition across the rainbow bridge.

After the sedative was given, the vet staff gave Ninja and I a few minutes together. As he started to get drowsy, I began to cry, and this dog… this absolutely perfect being, used his last fully conscious moments on this earth to kiss the tears off my face. Selfless and full of love until the end.

Thank you to for allowing me to be Ninja’s mom. Thank you for allowing my boy a painless and peaceful transition. Thank you for being in the room with us that day and providing the support I never knew I needed.

And thank you Ninja. For everything. I love you forever.

I recounted to someone recently that my two comfort reads when I was younger were “Charlotte’s Web,” by E.B White and “T...

I recounted to someone recently that my two comfort reads when I was younger were “Charlotte’s Web,” by E.B White and “The Art of War,” by Sun Tzu. I read both of them more times than I could count, and if that doesn’t adequately illustrate the dichotomy of my personality, I’m not sure what does. 😂

That might seem contradictory to some people, but both plots have manifested themselves in some way throughout my rescue career. There have been many “Wilburs” in my life that desperately needed rescuing, so when necessary, I employed Sun Tzu’s tactics to do so.

I have approached nearly every goal in the last 30+ years with that same dichotomous mindset, and it has served me well. It also helped my animals and I escape a seemingly hopeless situation over three years ago.

Today I’m happier and more fulfilled than I’ve ever been, so I’d say what was perceived as a “weird interest” as a child wasn’t so strange after all.

The only thing that matters is how you view yourself, and how well you love others. The rest is just noise.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” ~ Sun Tzu

These babies are looking for a home! 💜

These babies are looking for a home! 💜

I need your help! If you’ve ever wanted to volunteer with me, this is your opportunity. 💜 I need volunteers in Pinellas,...

I need your help! If you’ve ever wanted to volunteer with me, this is your opportunity. 💜 I need volunteers in Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Manatee counties.

The response to the Misfits Wheels Project has been overwhelming. The need for this type of program is more than evident to me now, but I need volunteers like you to help me meet that need.

Volunteers would be trained in things like fitting animals for adaptive equipment, educating our local community on available resources, and taking my ambassador animals (like Charlie and Ninja) to community events with me.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please email me at [email protected] 💜 If you put VOLUNTEER in the subject line that will help me get to it quicker.

Thanks a million friends!

For Giving Tuesday, please consider donating to Limbo Chihuahuas in St Petersburg FL.  This is the organization that ori...

For Giving Tuesday, please consider donating to Limbo Chihuahuas in St Petersburg FL. This is the organization that originally rescued Charlie, Rocky, and my mom’s dog Betty. 💜

My late friend, Mary Margaret Barrett was the president of this organization, and now my good friend Susan J Adams has picked up the torch and continued the amazing work. That work can only continue with support from the community.

A little overnight camping trip with my tuxedo boy was exactly what we both needed. For the first two years I had Richar...

A little overnight camping trip with my tuxedo boy was exactly what we both needed.

For the first two years I had Richard, he underwent multiple rounds of heart worm treatment and two bowel surgeries. I had to keep his activity level limited and couldn’t take him on adventures like the other pups, so this was extra cool.

I know I’ve said it a million times, but I just cannot get over how resilient and generally amazing this dog is. He lived through some of the worst treatment I’ve seen inflicted on an animal, but he has never been anything but sweet and happy since I adopted him from 💜

I will forever be grateful to the staff at Miami Dade Animal Services for making it possible for me to bring Richard home. At the time, they were hesitant to adopt him to me because I lived over four hours away. They knew he needed treatment, but it’s hard to police that from another county, and they had never worked with me before.

I waited in the shelter for almost six hours that day while the staff got permission from everyone from leadership to the medical director. It was a lengthy process, but the staff was determined to help save this dog at any cost. They saw the same thing in him that I did.

This is why I love to work with “kill shelters” like Miami Dade, because it saves the animals that need it most, while freeing up space for another animal to come in off the streets.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to the entire staff that made it possible to bring Richard (formerly Dexter) home that day. He’s thriving now. 💜

Please adopt, don’t shop.


This is my friend Tyberious Collazo’s band. You’re going to be hearing a LOT of them in my videos from now on.

Stream Halley’s Comet on all platforms. 💜

A few weeks ago, someone who claimed to care about me tried to make me feel bad about the career path I’ve chosen and th...

A few weeks ago, someone who claimed to care about me tried to make me feel bad about the career path I’ve chosen and the time I devote to it. This isn’t anything new for me unfortunately. I’ve always felt like a “weirdo” for pursuing my passions without apology—so much so that I created a whole brand (and community) around it.

I was told by this person, “last weekend you were out helping a stranger’s dying dog… and you’re going to be going BACK! What you do is admirable, but this is ridiculous. You’re never going to stop.”

So let me make a few things clear for anyone in my life that’s confused:

My name is Paige. I’m here to rescue animals, serve my community, and be a whole vibe. If you care about me, you can get with it, or you can get the hell out of my way. I’m never going “stop” being who I am, I’m never going to stop helping others, and I’m NEVER getting rid of my animals.

I’m not the least bit sorry for that. 😉💜

Have a wonderful Sunday friends, and thank you to the TONS of amazing friends and family of mine that DO get it. I love you more than you know.


Thank you to Hanks Bark Box for serving our local community.  Your heart is appreciated more than you know. 💜

Thank you to Hanks Bark Box for serving our local community. Your heart is appreciated more than you know. 💜

October Update (2 Years This Month)

If you had told me two years ago that this is where Hank’s Bark Box would be I would have said you’re full of crap!!

Never did we expect this much need and more importantly, NEVER did we expect this much support from our communities!!

From the families of pets in need and from us, thank you!

Dry Dog Food - 19750 lbs

Canned Dog Food - 6788 lbs

Dry Cat Food - 13383 lbs

Canned Cat Food - 11162 lbs

Total - 51,083 lbs or 25.5 TONS!

Hanks Bark Box is in need of dry cat food donations! This is a free pet food pantry serving our local community in Pinel...

Hanks Bark Box is in need of dry cat food donations! This is a free pet food pantry serving our local community in Pinellas County. 💜

Last night we bagged the last of our dry cat food and are now in need of more if anyone is thinking of making a donation soon.
Thank you!!!


FAQ’s about the tiny house:

1) How did you do it?

I hired a dude to convert a storage shed I bought from South Country Sheds.

2) How much did it cost?

I hired out for the electrical and insulation, and the other dude was hired to finish out the rest. The total village (3 structures total) cost just under $50k from start to finish.

3) Why on earth did you do this?

I’ve been rescuing animals with complex needs since 2010. I live on five acres and wanted my animals to have their own space instead of being “crated” when not around me. This seemed more logical (and more fun) than kennels.

4) Are the animals always out in the tiny village?

No. All animals (including the pigs) rotate through my house, and I have a “slumber party” with a different cast of characters every night. For me, it’s literally living the dream.

I am just so unbelievably grateful. That’s it. That’s the caption. 💜

I am just so unbelievably grateful. That’s it. That’s the caption. 💜

Momo is 4 years old and has asthma that is controlled by inhaler. Look how handsome he is! If you think you can give Mom...

Momo is 4 years old and has asthma that is controlled by inhaler. Look how handsome he is! If you think you can give Momo the relaxing home he needs, contact Friends of Strays Animal Shelter in St. Pete! 💚💙

We have a special kitty to tell you about!
Momo is 4 years old and has asthma. Yes, cats can have asthma too! He has his own inhaler to help him manage, just like a person. Momo would do best in an environment that thrives on chill vibes to help his asthma. With proper care, Momo will be a happy and healthy, affectionate kitty in your home!
Thank you to for donating this cute bowtie to help him look fancy for his photos! It was made by . You can follow these accounts on Instagram!

Thank you to Miami Herald for sharing Richard’s story! 💜

Thank you to Miami Herald for sharing Richard’s story! 💜


The number one question I get is “how do I do what you’re doing?”

In my opinion, the best place to start is by fostering for a local home-based rescue group.

If you’re in the Tampa Bay Area, I personally recommend:

Limbo Chihuahuas - Chihuahua Rescue
Kneady Kitty Rescue
CATS of Safety Harbor, Florida
Suncoast Animal League

If you prefer volunteering, fostering or adopting in a shelter environment, try:

Friends of Strays Animal Shelter
Manatee County Animal Services
Pet Pal Animal Shelter

Richard went viral on TikTok this week. Nearly 5 million people have seen what an amazing boy he is.  I’ve had a lot of ...

Richard went viral on TikTok this week. Nearly 5 million people have seen what an amazing boy he is. I’ve had a lot of animals go “viral” over the years, but there’s something special about it being Richard this time.

Richard was so unloved for so long, and now millions of people think he’s as amazing as I do. He waited a long time for that kind of love, and he deserves every bit of it.

Richard has been a challenge to me for the same reason he’s so special to me: his trauma. Like Richard, I unfortunately understand the toll that prolonged abuse takes on the brain. I know how it breaks the mind. The first time I saw Richard, I saw myself: broken, exhausted, scared, and starving for love. Now when I look at Richard, I also see myself. However, I look at us both with new eyes. Now I see two beings who were down but not out, damaged, but not irreparably broken. We made it.

Richard and I are both safe, loved and happy now by the grace of God. We are each other’s safe place, and I wouldn’t exchange the growth we’ve experienced together for anything in the world. I love you Richard, and I’m SO proud of you.

Our buddies over at Friends of Strays Animal Shelter are nearing completion on their brand new cat building!!!That’s rig...

Our buddies over at Friends of Strays Animal Shelter are nearing completion on their brand new cat building!!!

That’s right, the cats are going to get their very own adoption center!!! 💙💚

Stay tuned, because you know I’m going to that ribbon cutting ceremony when it opens! Congrats to one of the best rescue teams I’ve ever worked with. You guys deserve ALL the good things!


Richard’s “man cave” for anyone that hasn’t seen it yet. 😁


Parrish, FL


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