Good Things are Coming! Happy New Year ๐
Remember the Goal
Remember the Goal.
Happy Friday Everyone!
Beach Ride
Taking a break from the office and changing up the scenery! ๐๏ธThere's nothing like a day in the great outdoors to refresh the mind and connect with our horses. #BrentWeimerCuttingHorses #FreshAirAndHorses #ChangeOfScenery #beachride #MorroBay
Justa Lil Catbaloo
Justa Lil Catbaloo ๐ป #horsetraining #cuttinghorses #NCHA #aqha
Happy 4th of July! As we gather with family and friends to celebrate we honor the courage of those who fought for our freedom and embrace the values that unite us as a nation. ๐
#BWCuttingHorses #LetFreedomRing #IndependenceDay #America #USA #Happy4thofJuly
With years of experience in the industry, Brent Weimer brings unparalleled expertise and a deep understanding of cutting horses to every training session.
We had a great time at Santa Ynez Valley Cutters today! Thank you all for a great show! ๐ฅ๐ฅ
Saturday mornings
Consistency is hard when no one is clapping for you. You must be your number one hype person durning these times. Become your biggest fan.
The one day Lopers got revenge ๐ฅ
#loperlife #loperrevenge #ncha #cuttinghorse #bwcuttinghorses