It was a long plane ride to get to Australia for EQUITANA Australia and the seat was a bit hard. It's a good thing my friend Josh Knight bought along his personal masseuse to give my back a good work over.
Today at 12:30 Equitana I'm doing a live episode of The Journey On Podcast with Warwick Schiller and I'll be interviewing the star of Australian Outback Spectacular - Gold Coast, Australia Caleb Degan.
Then at 2:24 I'm doing a demo called Nervous System Regulation- the key the success in any horse event, and that is in the stallion rail demo arena.
We also have a booth, it's stall number #425 in the Off The Track Pavillion, come by and say g'day if you are around.
My wife stepping into her power and presenting at EQUITANA Australia yesterday . She had the largest crowd in that arena all day and I was so proud of her.
Emotional Regulation is one of the most important, yet often undiscussed, factors when working with horses. If your horse's Nervous System is properly regulated, then you'll be able to get the connection and relaxation. #attunement #journeyon #horsetrainingtips #horsemanship
Tom Mayes leading the nature group during integration day #journeyonpodcastsummit
Integration day #journeyonpodcastsummit
@emeliecajsdotter talking about Life, Love and Death at the #journeyonpodcastsummit
Stacy Westfall talking about Curiosity at #thejourneyonpodcastsummit
Hannah Betts talking about #FEAR
Your horse + you = perfect harmony
…state of peaceful existence and agreement.
This little snippet came from Mark Rashid's TIC talk in San Antonio during our first ever Journey On Podcast Summit in 2022.
When you join us at the 3rd Annual U.S. Journey On Podcast Summit in Paso Robles October 24-28, 2024, you’ll hear from inspirational speakers like Mark and connect with like-minded individuals.
Learn More Today!
#warwickschiller #journeyon #attunement #horsehumanconnection #journeyonpodcast
"What will this horse teach me?"
This is a great question that can help us slow down and embrace the unknown.
These wise words come from Internationally recognized photographer, author, reality television star, wild horse tamer, motivational speaker, equestrian, and adventurer Kelly Wilson.
Topics similar to this and many more will be covered at the 3rd Annual U.S. Journey On Podcast Summit, which will be held in Paso Robles from October 24 to 28, 2024.
Join Us Via Livestream!
#warwickschiller #journeyon #attunement #horsehumanconnection #journeyonpodcast
Are your horses prepared for the world around them?
> When you head out to a horse show
> When you mount up for a trail ride
> When the vet or farrier visits
> When your friends come over and want to visit the barn
It is your job to build confidence in them and to give them the tools they need to enjoy life as they connect with humans.
You'll hear from inspirational speakers like Ben Atkinson when you join us at the 3rd Annual U.S. Journey On Podcast Summit in Paso Robles October 24-28, 2024.
Learn More Today!
#warwickschiller #journeyon #attunement #horsehumanconnection #journeyonpodcast