🐮🐮We love these girls so much! They are the very best of friends and never far away from each other.
Isabella (Black Angus) SAVED from the beef industry. #boycottbeef
Angelica (Jersey) SAVED from the dairy industry. #dairyiscruel
I wish people would stop supporting animal cruelty. #endanimalagriculture🌱Go vegan. Eat plant based.🌱
Written by LFAS Co-Founder Tracey Jackson Soucy
#cows #farmsanctuary #animals #veganism #love #family #animallovers
Pigs LOVE having a lot of space! It’s an absolute joy for us to see them run and cavort just because they feel like it!
Fiona is a very friendly Yucatán piggy. This is a “hairless” breed of pigs so their skin is very sensitive. This beautiful little girl spent the first 2 years of her life confined in a cage in an animal testing lab. Burn tests were done on her skin. Testing on animals is cruel and unnecessary and rarely yields results that benefit humans so what kind of sadistic person does this kind of job?😡Testing on animals should be illegal! Please make every effort to buy ONLY cruelty free products which are NOT tested on animals!
Fiona says thank you!🙏
Written by LFAS Co-Founder Tracey Jackson Soucy
#animals #pigs #farmsanctuary #animallovers #rescue #crueltyfree #joy #run
💨🐐🐑Even in high winds they are happy as long as they are hanging out with their friends!
I love them all so much!💗
Written by LFAS Co-Founder Tracey Jackson Soucy
#love #family #lovingfarmanimalsanctuary #california #savedfromslaughter #pasorobles #vegansofinstagram #interspeciesfamily #goats #sheep
📣🐷Isa makes LOUD happy noises! We love that!
Our sweet “little” girl is doing well after her health scare. Of course, lots of exercise in the fresh air is a cure for just about anything!
Written by LFAS Co-Founder Tracey Jackson Soucy
In background: Iris and Lily🐖🐖
#pig #pigsofinstagram #pigsofig #lovingfarmanimalsanctuary #animalsanctuary #piggylove #pasorobles #california #vegansofig #vegan #vegansofinstagram #friendsnotfood #empathy #donate #savedfromslaughter #family #compassion #love #kindness #fun #happyday
#freedom #joy #adoptdontshop #spayandneuter #veganfortheanimals #exercise #beautiful #animals #cute
🌞🐷🏠Happy day! Isa is home and doing well after spending 8 days in the hospital!
Our lovely girl chose to go on a BIG walk around our north paddock. She liked it so much Bill and Lydia had to go get her to come in for the night.
Pigs love having choices on how to spend their days. We wish ALL pigs could live lives filled with joy and freedom.
But that could require people feeling #empathy and #respect for these magnificent animals. I do think more people are waking up to the fact that pigs are individuals…not food.
Eating animals is wrong and weird and unnecessary.😡
There are numerous platforms on which to donate!
Instagram fundraiser
Donate one time or…
Become a Monthly Member or Monthly Donor: lovingfarm.org/membership or lovingfarm.org/donate
(linktree in bio)
Venmo: lovingfarmanimalsanctuary
(the last 4 digits are 8102)
Zelle: lovingfarmanimalsanctuary
PayPal: [email protected]
Facebook Fundraiser: Loving Farm Animal Sanctuary
Send a check made payable to:
Loving Farm Animal Sanctuary
6060 Vista Del Paso
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Written by LFAS Co-Founder Tracey Jackson Soucy
#joy #love #family #lovingfarmanimalsanctuary #california #compassion #savedfromslaughter #pigs #pigsofinstagram #animals #donate
😁🐷Pigs love having room to run and explore!
Iris had BIG FUN exploring a multi-acre paddock where our cows and horses usually hang out. Her humans had fun watching her zoom around with a smile on her cute face!
Everyone loves variety and adventures. Pigs are just like us in so many ways.
Eating animals is just plain weird. Please be an advocate for animals. They are not food.🤮
Written by LFAS Co-Founder Tracey Jackson Soucy
#fun #cuteanimals #love #family #lovingfarmanimalsanctuary #happyday #pigs #pigsfinstagram #animals #friendsnotfood #veganism #veganfortheanimals #vegan
❤️🐷❤️Good good good news! ISA (and Bill) are almost home!🛻Please see previous posts for the full story!
Written by LFAS Co-Founder Tracey Jackson Soucy
#homesweethome #animals #wemissyou #happy #pigsofinstagram
💃🕺🏻GREAT NEWS UPDATE! Isa🐷is coming home! The vet team at UCDavis Vet Hospital saved Isa without having to do surgery!
Isa has been away from home for over a week. She had an impaction in her GI tract but she got through it with the help of the excellent vets and staff @ucdavisvetmed.
We are thrilled our sweet girl is coming home…especially her best friends Gus and Fiona!
Bill is on the road right now traveling almost 300 miles to get Isa. Then our superhero transporter, Bill aka Dad aka LFAS Co-Founder, will drive almost 5 hours (depending on traffic) back home.
Please donate if you can! Isa has a big hospital bill plus a hotel stay and hundreds of dollars in gas going back and forth to and from Davis.🏥⛽️🏩😳
Note: For any new folks you can read about Isa🐖in previous posts.
There are numerous platforms on which to donate!
Instagram fundraiser
Donate one time or…
Become a Monthly Member or Monthly Donor: lovingfarm.org/membership or lovingfarm.org/donate
(linktree in bio)
Venmo: lovingfarmanimalsanctuary
(the last 4 digits are 8102)
Zelle: lovingfarmanimalsanctuary
PayPal: [email protected]
Facebook Fundraiser: Loving Farm Animal Sanctuary
Send a check made payable to:
Loving Farm Animal Sanctuary
6060 Vista Del Paso
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Written by LFAS Co-Founder Tracey Jackson Soucy
#goodnews #happyday #joy #love #family #lovingfarmanimalsanctuary #california #animals #pigs #pigsofinstagram #hospital #donate #roadtrip #dad #bestfriends #home #homesweethome