Off The Hook Marine Fish

Off The Hook Marine Fish Off The Hook is a unique, family created and owned Saltwater Fish store specializing in live fish, l

Freshwater Weekend Stocklist!

Freshwater Weekend Stocklist!

Weekend Stocklist for saltwater!

Weekend Stocklist for saltwater!

If you saw any of our stories yesterday you know corals came in yesterday. And they are 😍😍AUSTRALIAN Acan Echinata2 Head...

If you saw any of our stories yesterday you know corals came in yesterday. And they are 😍😍
Acan Echinata
2 Headed Neon Green Hammer
Neon Green W/Purple Tips Hammer
Supper Single Head Green Hammer
West Australia Single Head Green Torch
Helmet Green Fungia
Green Goniopora
Crown Leather
Toadstool Leather
Ultra Zoa Colonies

Green Pocillopora

Green Leather Lobophytum
Multicolor Torch

A Grade Lord Acan
Neon Green Acan Lord
Ultra Alveopora
Assorted Chalice
Clove Polyps
Coppertone Cyphastre
Assorted Favia/Favites
Micro Favia
Green Toadstool Leather
Orange Leptastrea
Assorted Disco Mushroom
Assorted Rhodactis Mushroom
Green Hairy Rhodactis Mushroom
Tongue Coral
Mixed Zoa Rocks
Ultra Zoa

Saltwater had some really nice looking livestock come in this week!FISH Coral Beauty AngelFalse Lemon PeelFlame Angel Me...

Saltwater had some really nice looking livestock come in this week!

Coral Beauty Angel
False Lemon Peel
Flame Angel
Melas Angel
Singapore Angel
Hutchi Anthias
Ignitus Anthias
Royal Gramma
Bicolor Blenny
Lawnmower Blenny
Tailspot Blenny
Auriga Butterfly
Punctato Butterfly
Pajama Cardinal
Snowflake Eel
Gold Head Sleeper Goby
Green Mandarin
Watchman Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
Geometric Pygmy Hawk
Black Molly (Saltwater)
Purple Pseudochromis
Porcupine Puffer
Blue Regal Tang
Clown Tang
Halfblack Mimic Tang
Carpenter Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse

Ritterti Anemone
Rose Bubble Anemone
Tube Anemone
Emerald Crab
Orange Leg Hermit Crab
Pithos Crab
Camel Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Tiger Sand Conch
Trochus Snail
Pencil Urchin
Pincushion Urchin

Reef Nutrition's refrigerated food is restocked! If you have been wanting to restock your pod population or try them out...

Reef Nutrition's refrigerated food is restocked! If you have been wanting to restock your pod population or try them out for the first time, a fresh batch of Tiggerpods is a great way to do that. We also got in Arctioods, Roti-Feast, Phyto-Feast, Oysterfeast, & R.O.E.

New freshwater livestock came in Wednesday! FISHSuper Delta Betta MaleCherry BarbVeiltail Cherry Barb Dojo Loach Kuhli L...

New freshwater livestock came in Wednesday!

Super Delta Betta Male
Cherry Barb
Veiltail Cherry Barb
Dojo Loach
Kuhli Loach
Albino Aeneus Corydoras
Juli Corydoras
Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco
Assorted Fancy Angel
Kenyi Maylandia Lombardoi Cichlid
Venustus Cichlid
Melano. Cyaneorhabdos "Maingano" Cichlid
American Flagfish
Redtail Dalmatian Platy
Assorted Male Swordtail
Florida Het Rasbora
Ember Tetra
Lemon Tetra
Neon Tetra
Von Rio Flame Tetra

Red Cherry Shrimp
Gold Back Yellow Fire Shrimp
Blue Rili Shrimp

Red Flame Sword (Potted)
Cryptocoryne Lutea (Potted)
Cryptocoryne Undulata (Potted)
Giant Hairgrass (Potted)
Green Cryptocoryne Wendti (Potted)
Reni Sword (Potted)
Moneywort Plant (Bunched)
Red Ludwigia (Bunched)
Rotala Macrandra (Bunched)
Wisteria (Bunched)
Amazon Sword
Jungle Vallisneria
Red Tiger Lotus
Christmas Moss

Grab a peek at the weekend stocklist early! (new arrivals will be up soon.                   )

Grab a peek at the weekend stocklist early! (new arrivals will be up soon. )

Weekend saltwater stocklist is here early this week! Keep an eye out lalter for today for the new arrivals.             ...

Weekend saltwater stocklist is here early this week! Keep an eye out lalter for today for the new arrivals.

New freshwater livestock came in Tuesday! FISH Powder Blue Dwarf GouramiOpaline GouramiGold BarbKuhli LoachBlue Eye Lemo...

New freshwater livestock came in Tuesday!

Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami
Opaline Gourami
Gold Barb
Kuhli Loach
Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco
Zebra Danio
American Flagfish Killie
Sunburst Platy
Blue Metallic Guppy
Assorted Fancy Ender Livebearer
Florida Het Rasbora
Black Phantom Tetra
Buenos Aires Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Ember Tetra
Empereor Tetra
Red Eye Tetra

Cherry Red Shrimp
Zebra Nerite Snail

Amazon Sword (Potted)
Cryptocoryne Lutea (Potted)
Rotala Macrandra Plant (Bunched)
Wisteria (Bunched)
Pogostemon Stellatus Plant (Bunched)
Java Fern

A lot of new freshwater livestock arrived this week! Here's the list:FISH Halfmoon BettaDwarf Male GouramiOpaline Gouram...

A lot of new freshwater livestock arrived this week! Here's the list:

Halfmoon Betta
Dwarf Male Gourami
Opaline Gourami
Pearl Leeri Gourami
Red Honey Gourami
Gold Barb
Black Kuhli Loach
Dojo Loach
Kuhli Loach
Yo-yo Loach
Albino Aeneus Cory
Concolor Cory
Green Aeneus Cory
Julii Cory
Pygmy Cory
Sterbai Cory
Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco
Bolivian Ram
German Blue Ram
Electric Blue Arcara
Celestial Pearl Danio
Longfin Blue Danio
Longfin Gold Zebra Danio
Longfin Zebra Danio
American Flagfish
Gold Crescent Platy
Painted Platy
Red Wag Platy
Sunburst Platy
Assorted Fancy Guppy
Blue Metallic Male Guppy
Pink Tuxedo Male Guppy
​Yellow & Black Male Guppy
Assorted Endler Livebearer
Assorted Molly
Assorted Male Swordtail
Cardinal Tetra
Congo Terta
Rummynose Tetra
Von Rio Flame Tetra
X-ray Tetra

​Ghost Shrimp
Gold Back Yellow Fire Shrimp
Red Cherry Shrimp
Olive Nerite Snail
Zebra Nerite Snail
Red Racer Snail
Assorted Rabbit Snail

Cryptocoryne Green Wendti Potted
Cryptocoryne Parva Potted
Cryptocoryne Spiralis Potted
Green Lloydiella Bunched
Mini Super Red Ludwigia Bunched
Rotala Macranda Bunched
Pogostemon Stellatus Bunched
Wisteria Bunched
Christmas Moss
Dwarf Lily
Java Fern
Red Root Floater
Monte Carlo Cupped Portion

**Also Don't forget to keep an eye out for July's 5Star promotion. It is just for you guys! **

Saltwater livestock has been restocked! Thanks for being patient with us on Thursday as we got everyone acclimated and i...

Saltwater livestock has been restocked! Thanks for being patient with us on Thursday as we got everyone acclimated and in tanks. There are some absolutely gorgeous fish in right now!

​Atlantic Pygmy Cherub Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
False Lemonpeel Angel
Flame Angel
Halfblack Angel
Imperator Angel
Lamarck Angel
Melas Angel
Royal Gramma
Bicolor Blenny
Klauswitz Blenny
Lawnmower Blenny
Pearlscale Butterfly
Bangai Cardinal
Black & White Ocellaris Clown
Black Ice Grade A Clown
Black Ice Extreme Clown
Black Snowflake Clown
Chocholate Clown
Chocolate Mocha Clown
Black Pearl Clarki Clown
False Percula Ocellaris Clown
Fancy Ocellaris Clown
Flurry Clown
Mai Tai Clown
Mocaccino Clown
Orange Blaze Clown
Orange Misbar Clown
Orange Ocellaris Clown
Orange Storm Clown
Percula Misbar Clown
Picasso Clown
Platinum Percula Clown
Wyoming White Clown
Yellowtail Damsel
Tristripe Damsel
Bicolor Goatfish
Crimson Manybar Goatfish
Diamond Sleeper Goby
Exquisite Firefish
Green Mandarin
Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
Purple Firefish
Yasa Hashe Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
Panther Grouper
Geometric Pygmy Hawk
Pixie Hawk
Fiji Foxface
​Blue Dot Toby
Desjardini Sailfin Tang
Blue Regal Tang
Convict Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Green Bird Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse

Maxi-mini Carpet Anemone
Anemone Crab
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Pithos Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Yellow Tip Hermit Crab
Zebra Hermit Crab
Camel Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Bonded Coral Banded Shrimp Pair
Sexy Shrimp
Mexican Turbo Snail
​Nassarius Snail
Trochus Snail
​Sand Sifting Starfish

Green Branching Frogspawn
Green Branching Octospawn
Green Short Te****le Plate
Lavender Hairy Mushroom
Lord Acan
Yellow Tip Torch

And for our saltwater clients, here's our saltwater end of week stocklist!

And for our saltwater clients, here's our saltwater end of week stocklist!

Here's the stocklist for the end of the week!

Here's the stocklist for the end of the week!

New copepods just arrived!

New copepods just arrived!

New Corals came in!  Mini-Reef RocksBowerbanki Acan Grade A Lord AcanNeon Green Acan Acropora Green Candy Cane Kryptonit...

New Corals came in!

Mini-Reef Rocks
Bowerbanki Acan
Grade A Lord Acan
Neon Green Acan
Green Candy Cane
Kryptonite Green Trumpet
Purple & Green Candy Cane
Assorted Chalice
Triple Sec Frogspawn
Australian Toxic Branching Hammer
Australian Multicolor Torch
Assorted Favia/Favites
Micro Favia
Watermelon Favia
Neon Green Helmet Fungia
Aussie Crown Leather
C**t Leather
Green Leptastrea
Red Montipora Cap
Assorted Discosoma Mushroom
Assorted Rhodactis Mushroom
Pipe Organ
Green Star Polyp
Fiji Green Pocillopora
Fiji Yellow Porites
Yellow Scroll Coral
Assorted Zoas
Assorted Ultra Zoas

New Saltwater Livestock Arrived Wed, AND Thurs this week! FISH Atlantic Pygmy Angel Bicolor AngelBlue Koran AngelCoral B...

New Saltwater Livestock Arrived Wed, AND Thurs this week!
Atlantic Pygmy Angel
Bicolor Angel
Blue Koran Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
False Lemonpeel Angel
Singapore Angel
Wartskin Angler
Orange Blue Eye Anthias
Bicolor Blenny
Scooter Blenny
Starry Blenny
Tailspot Blenny
Pearlscale Butterfly
Racoon Butterfly
Pajama Cardinal
Green Chromis
Yellowtail Damsel
Aiptasia Eating Filefish
Bar Goby
Diamond Sleeper Goby
Engineer Goby
Firefish Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
Diadema Pseudochromis
Narrow Line Puffer
Powder Blue Tang
Sailfin Tang
Scopas Tang
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse
Sixline Wrasse
Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse

Haitian Condylactis Anemone
Super Rose Bubble Anemone
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Emerald Crab
Pithos Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Flame Scallop
Fire Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Bumblebee Snail
Margarita Turbo Snail
Mexican Turbo Snail
Trochus Snail
Sand Sifting Starfish
Assorted Urchin
Feather Duster

Freshwater New Arrivals This Week! FISHClown Loach Kuhli Loach Albino Aeneus CorydorasGreen & Gold CorydorasGreen Aeneus...

Freshwater New Arrivals This Week!
Clown Loach
Kuhli Loach
Albino Aeneus Corydoras
Green & Gold Corydoras
Green Aeneus Corydoras
Julii Corydoras
Pygmy Corydoras
Skunk Corydoras
Blue Eye Lemon Longfin Bristlenose Pleco
Clown Pleco
Florida Plecostomus
Staghorn Bristlenose Pleco
Assorted Fancy Angel
American Flagfish Killie
Assorted Neon Platy
Red Wag Platy
Assorted Fancy Female Guppy
Endlers Livebearer
Neon Blue Male Guppy
Florida Het Rasbora
Gold Pristella Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Lemon Tetra
Neon Tetra
Rummynose Tetra

Blue Dream Shrimp
Yellow Rabbit Snail
Red Racer Nerite Snail
Zebra Nerite Snail

Amazon Sword Potted
Cryptocoryne Lutea Potted
Ozelot Sword Potted
Anacharis Bunched
Pink Telanthera Bunched
Red Ludwigia Bunched
Pogostemon Bunched
Dwarf Lily

We had new livestock come in Wednesday for freshwater!FISHSuper Delta BettaDwarf Male Gourami Opaline GouramiGold Dojo L...

We had new livestock come in Wednesday for freshwater!
Super Delta Betta
Dwarf Male Gourami
Opaline Gourami
Gold Dojo Loach
Kuhli Loach
Albino Aeneus Cory
Emerald Green Cory
Green Aeneus Cory
Metae Cory
Skunk Cory
Blue Eye Lemon Longfin Bristlenose Pleco
Assorted Fancy Angel
Lemon Yellow Labido Caeruleus Cichlid
Celestial Pearl Danio
Longfin Leopard Danio
Boesemani Rainbow
Black Skirt Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Longfin Black Skirt Tetra
Longfin White Skirt Tetra
Red & Blue Colombian Tetra
Red Eye Tetra
Rummynose Tetra

Red Cherry Shrimp
Red Rili Shrimp
Blue Dream Shrimp

Cryptocoryne Parva Potted
Cryptocoryne Undulata Potted
Ozelot Sword Potted
Dragon's Tongue Bunched
Pink Telanthera Bunched
Red Ludwigia Bunched
Pogostemon Stellatus Bunched

New saltwater livestock came in yesterday! FISHFalse Lemon Peel AngelLamark Angel Melas AngelRoyal GrammaPearlscale Butt...

New saltwater livestock came in yesterday!
False Lemon Peel Angel
Lamark Angel
Melas Angel
Royal Gramma
Pearlscale Butterfly
Percula Clown
Green Chromis
Three Stripe Damsel
Bicolor Goatfish
Diamond Sleeper Goby
Blue Eye Tang
Clown Tang
Convict Tang
Sailfin Tang
Humu Trigger
Cleaner Wrasse

Long Te****le Anemone
Boxer/Pom Pom Crab
Pithos Crab

New saltwater livestock came in Weds & Thurs this week! FISHMelas AngelRoyal GrammaBicolor BlennyLawnmower BlennyStarry ...

New saltwater livestock came in Weds & Thurs this week!
Melas Angel
Royal Gramma
Bicolor Blenny
Lawnmower Blenny
Starry Blenny
Bangai Cardinal
Pajama Cardinal
Percula Clown
Pink Skunk Clown
Domino Damsel
Green Chromis
Kupang Damsel
Springeri Damsel
Tristripe Damsel
Yellowtail Damsel
Snowflake Eel
Yellow Goatfish
Bluestripe Neon Goby
Diamond Sleeper Goby
Yellow stripe Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
Purple Pseudochromis
Blue Regal Tang
Chocolate Yellow Mimic Tang
Clown Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Sailfin Tang
Scopas Tang
Tomini Tang
Rectangular Trigger
Sixline Wrasse

Anemone Crab
Emerald Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Blue Coral Banded Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Astrea Snail
Mexican Turbo Snail
Tiger Sand Conch
Trochus Snail
Sand Sifting Starfish

New freshwater fish came in yesterday! FISHCobalt Blue Dwarf Gourami Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami Gold BarbDojo LoachAlbino...

New freshwater fish came in yesterday!
Cobalt Blue Dwarf Gourami
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami
Gold Barb
Dojo Loach
Albino Aeneus Corydoras
Paleatus Corydoras
Pygmy Corydoras
Clown Pleco
Celestial Pearl Danio
American Flagfish Killie
Neon Blue Guppy
Red Cobra Delta Guppy
Tequila Sunrise Guppy
Assorted Molly
Assorted Swordtail
Cardinal Tetra
Congo Tetra
Ember Tetra
Neon Tetra
Red Eye Tetra

Ghost Shrimp
Zebra Nerite Snail

Amazon Sword (Potted)
Cryptocoryne Lutea (Potted)
Wisteria (Potted)
Dragon's Tongue
Pogostemon Stellatus
Java Fern
Dwarf Lily
Japanese Dwarf Pennywort
Christmas Moss


A pithos crab mouth in action.

This red volitan lion fish has really interesting fins that are transparent in certain parts.

This red volitan lion fish has really interesting fins that are transparent in certain parts.

Freshwater livestock came in today! FISH Cobalt Blue Dwarf GouramiMale Dwarf GouramiPearl Leeri Gourami Gold Dojo LoachA...

Freshwater livestock came in today!

Cobalt Blue Dwarf Gourami
Male Dwarf Gourami
Pearl Leeri Gourami
Gold Dojo Loach
Albino Aeneus Corydoras
Emerald Green Corydoras
Green Aeneus Corydoras
Metase Corydoras
Assorted Fancy Angel
Lemon Yellow Labido Caeruleus Cichlid
Venustus Cichlid
Red Zebra Cichlid
Melano Cyaneorhabdos Maingano Cichlid
Zebra Danio
American Flagfish Killie
Assorted Delta Guppy Female
Green Cobra Delta Guppy
Pink Tuxedo Guppy
Black Phantom Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Neon Tetra
Rummynose Tetra

Blue Rili Shrimp
Cherry Shrimp
Ghost Shrimp
Gold Back Yellow Fire Shrimp
Zebra Nerite Snail

Amazon Sword
Cyptocoryne Undulata
Giant Hairgrass
Red Flame Sword
Reni Sword
Pogostemon Stellatus
Red Tiger Lotus

New saltwater livestock arrived!FISH Coral Beauty AngelFalse Lemon Peel AngelHalfblack AngelRoyal Gramma Scooter Blenny ...

New saltwater livestock arrived!
Coral Beauty Angel
False Lemon Peel Angel
Halfblack Angel
Royal Gramma
Scooter Blenny
Pearlscale Butterfly
Bangai Cardinal
Blue Damsel
Domino Damsel
Green Chromis
Three Stripe Damsel
Yellowtail Damsel
Bicolor Goatfish
Diamond Sleeper Goby
Firefish Goby
Red Volitan Lionfish
Neon Dottyback
Purple Pseudochromis
Saddle Puffer
Blue Regal Tang
Sailfin Tang
Scopas Tang
Sixline Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse

Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Emerald Crab
Pithos Crab
Fire Shrimp
Harlequin Shrimp
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Trochus Snail
Banded Serpent Starfish
Chocolate Chip Starfish

New saltwater livestock arrived today! FISHCoral Beauty Angel Grey Poma Angel Purple Queen AnthiasCanary BlennyKlein's B...

New saltwater livestock arrived today!
Coral Beauty Angel
Grey Poma Angel
Purple Queen Anthias
Canary Blenny
Klein's Butterfly
Onyx Percula Clown
Wyoming White Snowflake Clown
Green Chromis
Tri-Stripe Damsel
Aiptasia Eating Filefish
Bar Goby
Citron Clown Goby
Diamond Sleeper Goby
Engineer Goby
Green Mandarin Goby
Blue Regal Tang
Clown Tang
Blue Flasher Wrasse
Carpenter Wrasse

Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Bumblebee Snail

Rainbow Rommels Acropora
Strawberry Millepora
Umbrella Leather
Super Green Mushrooms

New freshwater livestock this week! FISH Albino  Aeneus Corydoras Green Aeneus CorydorasMetae CorydorasStaghorn Bristlen...

New freshwater livestock this week!
Albino Aeneus Corydoras
Green Aeneus Corydoras
Metae Corydoras
Staghorn Bristlenose Pleco
Synodontis Eupterus Catfish
Assorted Fancy Angel
Redtop Labidochromis Hongi Cichlid
Albino Strawberry Peacock Cichlid
American Flagfish Killie
Dawn Platy
Gold Dust Molly
Gold Algae Eater
Black Neon Tetra
Neon Tetra
Rummynose Tetra

Blue Dream Shrimp
Cherry Red Shrimp
Gold Back Yellow FIre Shrimp
Green Jade Shrimp

Amazon Sword (Potted)
Assorted Sword (Potted)
Cryptocoryne Lutea (Potted)
Cryptocoryne Spiralis (Potted)
Moneywort (Potted)
Monte Carlo (Potted)
Anacharis (Bunch)
Red Ludwigia (Bunch)
Pogostemon Stellatus (Bunch)
Dwarf Lily
Japanese Dwarf Pennywort (Cupped)

New Freshwater Livestock came in on Wednesday! (Saltwater is coming in on Thursday!)FISHDwarf Male GouramiPowder Blue Dw...

New Freshwater Livestock came in on Wednesday! (Saltwater is coming in on Thursday!)

Dwarf Male Gourami
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami
Emerald Green Corydoras
Punctatus Corydoras
Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco
Assorted Fancy Angel
Electric Blue Acara
Assorted Longfin Danio
Longfin Zebra Danio
American Flagfish Killie
Assorted Female Guppy
Assorted Endler's Livebearer
Purple Variegated Dumbo Guppy
Assorted Platy
Cardinal Tetra
Gold Pristella Tetra
Lemon Tetra
Neon Tetra
Pristella Maxillaris Tetra

Blue Rili Shrimp
Cherry Red Shrimp
Dark Green Shrimp
Orange Bee Shrimp
Golden Rabbit Snail
Olive Nerite Snail
Zebra Nerite Snail

Cardinal Plant (Potted)
Cryptocoryne Lutea (Potted)
Dwarf Hairgrass (Potted)
Red Flame Sword (Potted)
Anacharis Plant (Bunched)
Pink Telanthera (Bunched)
Pogostemon Stellatus (Bunched)
Java Fern
Jungle Vallisneria
Sagittaria Subulata
Dwarf Lily
Japanese Dwarf Pennywort
Christmas Moss

Great news, the parking lot in front of the store is open again! Also check out this Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco th...

Great news, the parking lot in front of the store is open again! Also check out this Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco that came in today. 👀👀👀 New arrivals list will be up tonight.


1200 Highway 74 S
Peachtree City, GA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm
Friday 12pm - 6pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 4pm




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