Rewind to Nov 1-4th and the opening weekend of general season.
came out to cook so everyone could try their great products for a little Celebration Kickoff Party. The Shiner Ranch crew started stacking up our custom “My Guide Sucks” Coozies, we’ll have to poll everyone to see how many all of the ranch managers received, they were a big hit. Got to visit with the full Minzenmayer crew for to drop “one” of her great trophies this year! Great visit with the Koehne Crew to drop off korbin_sk03 trophy this season. The Kersh crew dropping off another great trophy for Mr. S. Definitely always exciting to see what they are bringing in. Rancho Encantado crew again with Mr. Poux and Potter dropping more Texas Trophies before going home.
A big African Safari headed out for . It was sad to see the Giraffe go home so fast. Blake Kelso & the kids stopped in to see the sights, grab some food and load up on . Great to see the Quilter clan for another Texas visit and truckload full of trophies. Joshua Steele bringing in a great 8pt from Seco Creek. Last but not least, Carla and her Dad celebrating his Birthday, as you can see she’s the Favorite!!!
Stop in anytime to see over 400 completed Customer Trophies from South Texas.
Summer Hours M-F 9-6, Sat 10-2 and closed Sunday until September.
Text of call anytime 830-334-3219