Finally, I have some good news for my clients! I successfully avoided another back surgery (or two)! Thank you to Precision Chiropractic, I am slowly recovering from a total of four bulging discs. I have hired help and will be working three days a week until I feel ready to do more.
The sad news is that I have spondylolisthesis in my low back, which explains a lot of my lower back issues/pain. Because of this, my ultimate goal for Catherine's Grooming is to keep full-time help to maintain the health of my back.
I do know that some people were not able to find a groomer since I have been out, those are the shaggy pups that I would like to help first. My first available right now is mid-January - I will keep dogs a bit longer than normal just because I am a little rusty and slow.
Please feel free to shoot me a text, I have not reached out to everyone quite yet! I hope everyone everyone had a wonderful holiday. Happy New Year!
Love, Your dog's best friend,
Catherine Foster