Would you believe us if we told you that something extraordinary is happening RIGHT now?
It’s true.
Dogs and their unconditionally-loving selves are performing miracles around the world.
They are:
- Giving children & adults the confidence to speak
- A loyal confidant and nonjudgmental ear
- Helping people w/ disabilities experience life fully
- The warm touch someone yearns for
- Allowing those w/ anxiety to feel grounded
It brings us the utmost honor to be able to nurture and celebrate dogs, whom have given us humans so much ❤️🐾
#doglovers #servicedog #facilitydog #assistancedog #dogswithjobs #servicedogssavelives #dogappreciation #humananimalbond #connection
Littermates help each other learn! Just like human siblings, littermates help each other develop important skills! Pups of the same litter learn how to interact with other dogs while discovering new sensations. It gives them (and us!) the earliest glimpse of what their play style may develop into. It also provides experiences for them to voice their boundaries.Some dogs play a little more rough, by mouthing and pinning, while some dogs take a more passive approach, by rolling onto their back and exposing their belly. One play style isn’t necessarily better than the other, as long as the pups remain safe.Littermates are also consistently there for one another, emotionally. When their mother isn’t available for nursing or warmth, the puppy siblings are always around for cuddles. This fulfills their need for companionship and supports their overall wellbeing 🐾...#servicedogpuppy #futureservicedog #servicedogintraining #puppiesofinstagram #littermatesforlife #blacklabpuppies #labgoldenmix #sdit #servicedoglife #dogplaytime #puppyenrichment #littermates #dogenrichment #puppyhood #canyonville #oregon #penngrove #california #berginuniversity #berginuniversityofcaninestudies #bergincollege
This past weekend, Cotati Chamber of Commerce partnered with Flagship Taproom - Cotati to host Oktoberfest ✨
Our Bachelor of Science students were invited to judge the wiener dog races; it was a fun time! 🍂🐾🌭
#oktoberfest #cotati #flagshiptaproom #sonomacounty #wienerdog #northerncalifornia #dauchshund #funinthepark #collegelife #collegestudent #october #cotatichamberofcommerce #community #BerginUniversity
Recently, we had the opportunity to attend the 2nd annual Purple Poppy Awards!
Hosted by the National Service Animals Memorial and held at The Pines residence in Sausalito, it was an afternoon to remember 🌟
This yearly event honors and recognizes national service animal leaders and animal heroes, from horses to eagles to dogs!
The cherry on top was that Bonnie got to reconnect with Wilma from National Disaster Search Dog Foundation 🥳🐾
#purplepoppyawards #serviceanimal #nationalserviceanimalsmemorial #serviceanimals #animalheroes #nationalserviceanimalsmonument #nationaldisastersearchdogfoundation #searchdogfoundation #personoftheyear #awards #ceremony #humananimalbond #purplepoppy #sausalito #bayarea
Aside from it being the CUTEST activity, puppy petting:
🐾 Introduces the young dog to a variety of scents, decreasing the chance that they’ll fear different types of people as they grow up
🐾 Improves the human’s mood and lowers stress levels
🐾 Promotes healthy brain activity in both the human and canine!
Let us know what your favorite part of petting puppies is and if you have any fun stories to share, below 😍
#puppiesofinstagram #puppypetting #futureservicedog #newlitter #healthbenefits #labpuppies #dogenrichment #canineenrichment #servicedoglife #dogswithjobs #doglove #cutepup #healthyactivity #lowerstress #goldenlabmix
NSAM Video
Earlier this year, we had the pleasure of being included in the National Service Animals Memorial’s official video!
In this clip, Dr. Bonita Bergin speaks about the very first service dog team: Kerry and her service dog Abdul.
In 1975, this duo broke barriers and changed the human-canine partnership for the better 🤩
We are gearing up for the second annual Purple Poppy Awards ceremony this Saturday 😍 Hosted by Susan Bahary and attended by various leaders in the service animal community, it’s sure to be a special time!
To learn more about NSAM and watch the full video, click the link in National Service Animals Memorial intro on their page!
#nationalserviceanimalsmemorial #servicedogteam #serviceanimals #purplepoppy #servicedoglife #nationalserviceanimalsmonument #servicedog #dogswithjobs #purplepoppyawards #sausalito #marincounty #berginuniversity #servicedogssavelives #fourleggedhero #serviceanimal #bergincollegeofcaninestudies
The Most Common Misconception About Service Dogs - Read Below!
More often than not, people seem to think that service dogs work all day long and have no fun - that couldn’t be further from the truth!
Whether they are a service dog-in-training or a graduated service dog, it is important to ensure that their wellbeing is properly taken care of. Even though they have an important career, service dogs are still living beings that need rest, fun, enrichment, love, and relaxation.
Some things service dogs do to unwind in their downtime:
🧸 Snuggle up with a stuffed toy
🎾 Play with Chuck-It balls
🛋️ Cuddle with their person
🥏 Gnaw on an appropriate chew toy
🐕 Chase their friends
🌾 Roll in the grass
Just to name a few!
So the next time you hear that service dogs don’t get to have fun, remember that responsible handlers and organizations make sure their working dog(s) have plenty of free time to simply be a dog. 🐾
Saffer’s Tips!
When you meet a dog for the first time:
🗣️ Ask the handler permission BEFORE petting their dog. You never know the handler or dog’s boundaries until you have a conversation.
🧐 Observe the dog’s body language. That will tell you whether they are ready for an interaction or would rather keep to themselves. If their tail is wagging and they look interested in you, that’s a good sign! If their tail is low, between their legs, and/or they’re hiding behind their handler, that’s your cue to leave them be.
🤗 Let the dog come to you! If the handler says “yes” and the dog’s body language looks inviting, simply hold out your hand and let the dog make the first move.
Similar to humans, dogs appreciate and require respect. If a new person walks right up to the dog and immediately reaches to pet their head, the dog may feel threatened.
In a first-time greeting, it’s important for all parties to feel comfortable and safe with the interaction 🐾
#safferbergin #bucssaffer #dogbodylanguage #tailwags #makingfriends #dogtips #doggreetings #dogfriend #doglove #dogsofig #tipsandtricks #themoreyouknow #listening #respect #observing #dogbehaviour #dogknowledge #portland #mindfulness #sanfranciscobay #consideration #oregon #california #doghandler #doghandling #dogcare #petcaretips
The cutest playmates 🥹
It’s so important for dogs to be around different breeds, especially those on track to become service dogs! Different physical attributes (such as pointed ears vs. floppy ears) are important for service dogs-in-training to recognize so that they don’t see different breeds as a threat.
Edward did so wonderful accounting for Penny’s different size during this fun play session 😄
Both dogs did great observing the other’s body language and ensured they were playing respectfully 🐾
Thanks for shining your light on our campus, Penny!
#bucsedward #edwardbergin #pennypandesal #frenchbulldog #goldenlab #labgoldenmix #sdit #servicedogintraining #frenchielove #lovedogs #sonomacounty #blacklabsquad #playmates #activelistening #dogbodylanguage #enrichment #dogbreeds #enrichmentfordogs #playtime
Bergin College of Canine Studies
The only college in the WORLD offering:
📕 Master’s degree: Human-Canine Life Sciences
📗 Bachelor’s degree: Canine Studies
📘 Associate’s degree: Assistance Dog Education
📙 Service Dog Training Seminar certificate
Call/Text us today to begin your rewarding journey in the assistance dog industry at (707)971-3236!
Our institution was founded by Dr. Bonita Bergin, the woman who created the entire concept of the Service Dog 🤩
If you want to learn straight from the source, Bergin College is the best choice! 🐾
Share this post and tag friends in the comments that need to hear about this life-changing opportunity 📚❤️🦮
#bergincollege #berginuniversityofcaninestudies #assistancedogtraining #dogtrainersofig #servicedog #facilitydog #ptsddog #mobilitydog #assistanceanimal #education #dogtraining #highereducation #servicedogsforveterans #servicedogtraining #mastersdegree #bachelorsdegree #associatesdegree #certificateprogram #oregon #pnw #nonprofit #lifechanging #knowledge #careerdevelopment #careeropportunity #douglascountyoregon #rewarding #fulfillinglife