There’s a very special place right here in Pensacola where the hungry are fed, the homeless are sheltered, and the abandoned are cared for. It’s the Pensacola Humane Society, where our staff and volunteers provide comfort and care for unwanted and abandoned animals in our community. We operate and maintain a NO KILL shelter and adoption center for homeless animals on private donations and fundrais
ing activities. We receive no city, state or federal government funding. Our staff cares for the abandoned or neglected animals until they go to good homes. PENSACOLA HUMANE SOCIETY SOCIAL MEDIA TERMS OF USE
Thank you for visiting the official page of the Pensacola Humane Society. This is a place for animal lovers like us. However, there are certain rules. Please be aware that Pensacola Humane Society reserves the right to remove any posting or other material found to be off topic, inappropriate, or objectionable. We are committed to bringing great stories, helpful information, and experiences to fosters, animal lovers and animal families. We strive to foster an inclusive, diverse, respectful, and safe environment for all fans, and we ask the same of our fan communities. As such, we reserve the right to take action including but not limited to hiding, deleting, blocking, and reporting any posts on this account or page. This includes comments/photos, videos, or links that:
• Contain profane, vulgar language (including masked w*rds) or graphic or implied violence.
• Are personal attacks of any kind or contain offensive language that targets any individual or group because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition.
• Include information that is considered personal or confidential.
• Are off-topic.
• Are political in nature.
• Infringe upon copyrights or trademarks.
• Are threatening, bullying, or considered harassing.
• Promote services or products, solicitations, advertisements, or endorsements.
• Are repetitive posts copied and pasted.