Frequency Canine Training

Frequency Canine Training We provide all-inclusive, immersive training programs tailored specifically to your dog and your needs. Mobile to you! Our team has 30+ years experience!
(254) Dogs fall into different personality types, with each having a different approach to efficiently get the most out of your dog, maximizing reliability without sacrificing the dog's spirit! We identify the most appropriate way to build a balanced relationship built on clear communication! No more "one size fits all" training that simply does not work for some dogs! Here at Total Dog we provide a safe, humane and easy to understand approach!

Modern Dog Love 💕   The world in which we ask dogs to coexist and are expectations of them have changed TREMENDOUSLY.  W...

Modern Dog Love 💕

The world in which we ask dogs to coexist and are expectations of them have changed TREMENDOUSLY.

When I was a kid I can’t ever remember seeing a dog in public.

Now it’s the norm and that’s ok.

If we’re going to include them we have a responsibility to prepare them though.

We also must respect other people and not interfere with their outing because our dog is present.

This pic melted me 🫠 🌈

It’s no secret I’m a springs ju**ie 🤤

(If you are to go ahead and follow and right this instant.)

…but being able to include this beautiful pup too!!!

Classic .benn showing her girl the world and ALWAYS setting the standard for how a Pet Parent conducts herself.

Too easy 😎

…If you’ve been here you know that old zoo is a tad creepy 😝

The Right Stuff.  Grateful to share my knowledge and have a positive influence on others whether that be owners, trainer...

The Right Stuff.

Grateful to share my knowledge and have a positive influence on others whether that be owners, trainers, or anyone else who has a passion for dogs 🐾

Very proud of my dog training lineage and thankful for everyone who has taken the time to help me. You’ll see a twinkle ✨ in my eyes if you ask me about my mentors and peers.

Like anything else worth pursuing becoming skilled requires trade offs. Not sacrifices. It’s important not to get the two confused.

I can make a strong argument I was one of the WORST military working dog handlers ever when I started 😂

My beginning had everything to do with my ascent.

If you want it bad enough you won’t stop.
The right person can’t be stopped.

The same way Jo Jones cymbal throwing didn’t stop Charlie Parker 🎷 (Look it up)

If I’m ever discouraged it’s because I see and hear about people who want success, notoriety, or titles but forget you get what you earn.

Their unwillingness to step outside their comfort zones, environments, and lack of effort is everything wrong with dogs and dog training.

Whether you’re a Pet Parent at home or K9 affiliated with whatever agency or unit don’t let your structures become shackles ⛓️‍💥

Thank you to for allowing me to come out.

Thank you to him and anyone else focused on mastery in their craft.

Too easy 😎

Dogs are stubborn?I will die on this hill.They’re not.Furthest thing from it.What they are is incredible at illuminating...

Dogs are stubborn?

I will die on this hill.

They’re not.

Furthest thing from it.

What they are is incredible at illuminating what you are doing or not doing.

Properly or improperly.

There’s nothing easier than putting a label on dog to separate yourself from accountability.

It’s a free country, so do as you do.

Don’t you blame that dog though 🤣

📸: Birdie the Vizsla 😍

The eyes don’t lie 👀 They either believe you or they don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️ If you don’t have your dog’s attention it’s because you...

The eyes don’t lie 👀

They either believe you or they don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️

If you don’t have your dog’s attention it’s because you’re not being taken seriously 🥱

No amount of distractions, noises, props, or faking is going to get it done.

And guess what?

You may believe in what you’re doing, but if your dog doesn’t then take a step back and reset things.

If you praise it better be genuine, authentic, and from the ♥️

Sooooooooo many folks in the K9 world are TERRIBLE decoys (The people that get bit) because the dog doesn’t believe their shtick 🙄

They KNOW they’re not a threat 🤣

Doing anything in dog work means doing it FOR REAL 👈🏼

What’s the point of investing your time or energy in anything or anyone to go through the motions 🤖

Stop staring at your phone 📱 and go make contact 🛸 in the BEST way with your pup 🐾

Too Easy 😎

Comparison is the thief of joy.All too often we see or hear folks who are trapped in breed generalization.“My dog is thi...

Comparison is the thief of joy.

All too often we see or hear folks who are trapped in breed generalization.

“My dog is this breed therefore it must like ________ or be ___________.”

The ONLY guarantee in a particular dog breed is its physical appearance.

Rather than focusing on what breed your dog is put your efforts into understanding their individual personality.

Who are they? NOT what you’ve determined or wish they would be.

What are they best suited for? What do they enjoy?

Lily and Rose (Pictured) are as different as Hall & Oates 🎶

They bring different attributes to the collective duo.

Their Owners understand this and enjoy them for who they are while seeking daily to learn more about them.

The majority of the dog world can feel so shallow.

Just consider how much emphasis has been placed on breeding for physical appearance versus demeanor.

Style over substance.

Fashion over function.

Work the dog in front of you.

Not the one you see from afar, on social media, or TV 📺

Be grateful for the dog by your side.

CLUB CANINE UNLIMITED Group Classes are HERE!!!Message us or call to sign up and get registered!!!Space is limited 😬


Message us or call to sign up and get registered!!!

Space is limited 😬

That you’re the BESTEST girl in the world 🌎 and pooped 💩 from your training sesh in all the best ways 🧠♥️ energy 😌Let’s ...

That you’re the BESTEST girl in the world 🌎 and pooped 💩 from your training sesh in all the best ways 🧠♥️ energy 😌

Let’s talk work-rest cycles for a sec…

Know your dog. Learn your dog.

Classic Trainer poison ☠️ is “One more rep” turns into 20 😵‍💫

The same way you don’t (Or maybe you do 😏) let your phone battery run to zero 🪫 the same can be applied with our dogs.

You will also get a lot more out of them in shorter focused timeframes than you will conducting marathons 😰

Keeping yourself disciplined with a timer ⏲️ initially then learning when to stop 🛑

Ending things on a positive note 🎼 to propel yourself into the next lesson.

At some point each session will have that peak moment to end on.

If you don’t stop there things may begin to plummet as you attempt to recapture what you already had.

Your pet is most likely not a working dog in which their life revolves around performing dynamic high paced tasks regardless of environment or conditions.

Working dogs almost always have a daily course load of navigating and solving many, many equations.

Don’t force that expectation on your couch potato 🛋️🥔

Your average dog goes for maybe a couple walks and has very little they have to consider from sunup to sundown 🌅

Know your dog. Learn your dog.

Get the very most out of the time you spend with them in the fairest way.

Too easy.

Dog Training lessons from Hook🪝🏴‍☠️“You’re doing it, Peter!  You’re playing with us!”  I ❤️ that damn movie.    Total ci...

Dog Training lessons from Hook🪝🏴‍☠️

“You’re doing it, Peter! You’re playing with us!”

I ❤️ that damn movie.

Total cinematic childhood blockbuster 🍿 nostalgia feels for me.

Watch it, Emma 🤣 📼 📺

If you know the movie there’s grown up Peter Pan/ Robin Williams who has grown up and lost all his magic 🪄

In this particular scene he is flanked by his ride or die Lost Boys (No, not the 80’s flick 🧛‍♂️🩸)

They and Tink 🧚/ Julia Roberts are attempting to jog his memory because he has become quite lame and needs to save his children from the dastardly Captain Hook!

The table they sit at has nothing but empty bowls and plates yet the Lost Boys act like they’re feasting on grub.

Peter stares perplexed because he can’t see anything there.

After a little ribbing he pretends to toss food 🥄 at Rufio 🦨

This is where it gets BANGARANG 🤙🏼

Him coming out of his comfort zone allows him to see a crazy spread of food and unlocks EVERYTHING 🤯

We meet so many people who desire to give their dog the most amazing life possible.

In order to do this you will have to open yourself up and be vulnerable.

Your dog can’t thank you, but they would if they could.

When we meet folks who have come out of their shell 🐚 and brought dogs with varied histories out of there’s…

Refer back to the quote above 😌

Now kaboom 💥 you’ve unlocked this amazing life with your dog and NOW WHAT?!?!?

You keep going 🚀

They will not be here forever.

Before they make the big trip 🌈 🌁 you better make sure you squeezed every ounce out that orange 🍊

When I watch our people and by that I mean the Trainers and Owners we rock 🤘🏼 with I see those inner children who get to come out and be with there dogs!!!

As always you’ve got some choices 🤔

You can be a jerk like Captain James Hook. If you choose that I hope a Crocodile 🐊 chomps ya up ⏰

You can be uptight and boring like grown-up Peter 😴 while your dog exists suffers 🥱

Or BANGARANG!!! You can open yourself up to the never ending possibilities of a life with your dog together worth living!!!

Too easy 😎

📸: .benn 👈🏼 1% Pet Parent w/ Dylan 🐾

For 🆚 Against   No matter how rosey 🌹 things are conflict will present itself.  You will get frustrated with your dog an...

For 🆚 Against

No matter how rosey 🌹 things are conflict will present itself.

You will get frustrated with your dog and you will get frustrated with others.

Fights will happen.

Not necessarily with fisticuffs 🤜🏼, but with words and actions.

You will act outside your character. It’s inevitable.

The world 🌎 can be a trying place.

Ultimately, you are left with a choice.

Fighting for or fighting against 🤔


Fight for those you care about.
Fight for your dog’s safety and wellbeing.
Fight for every opportunity to get every ounce out of your relationships with the four or two legged variety.

You will eat crow 🐦‍⬛ and you will swallow humble pie 🥧

Too easy.

Yes, I said too easy.

Surround yourself with people that’ll fight for you!

What kind of people do you think we want to train?

We get our fair share of tire 🛞 kickers and people “on the fence” 😴🙄 about their dog’s training 🐾

Spare us. We desire Owners who fight for their dog’s best interest because we’ll get right in there fighting too!

You might come up short, fall on your face, or not get the outcome you wanted.

At least you fought for something.

How many can really say that and back it up?

Can that tiny wire support all that weight?…The wire that is your stress and sanity.That weight that is the perceived ha...

Can that tiny wire support all that weight?…

The wire that is your stress and sanity.

That weight that is the perceived happiness of your dog doing “good”…or worse…”Perfect”.

Takes me back to one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite shows.

HBO’s The Wire. Gritty Baltimore cop drama.

Here goes…

Lester: Tell me something, Jimmy.
How exactly do you think it all ends? A parade, a golden watch, a shining Jimmy McNulty Day moment? When you bring in a case so sweet, everybody gets together and says ‘Aw s**t, he was right all along! We shoulda listened to the man.’
The job will not save you, Jimmy. It won’t make you whole, it won’t fill your ass up.

Jimmy: I don’t know, a good case...

Lester:…ends. They all end. The handcuffs go click, and it’s over. And the next morning, it’s just you in your room with yourself.

Jimmy: Until the next case...

Lester: Booy, you need something outside of this here.

Jimmy: Like what?

Lester: Hey hey, a life, Jimmy. A life! You know what that is? It’s the s**t that happens while you’re waiting for moments that never come!

Don’t miss real life with your dog chasing crumbs of “happiness”.

Your dog didn’t sign up for that, so don’t sentence them to it.

In all my years of dog training whether it’s K9 or Pets no matter how well things went there was always tomorrow.

Train with your dog because you see the benefits of it for both of you.

Not because you’re chasing something, but because you’ve found it.

The ability to do anything as team enjoying one another’s company.

Your dog’s behavior or obedience will not save you or make you whole.

That is not their purpose.

Klaus and Theo (The two hunks in the pic) live fulfilling and amazing lives because there is so much more to their Pet Parents lives than them.

Stop waiting for the imaginary ending and start living in the moments with your dog that matter right now.

That’s life with a dog.

Real life.

Too Easy!

The rule doesn’t force the action.It’s intoxicating to believe a Dog Trainer, Fitness Coach, Teacher, etc is going to es...

The rule doesn’t force the action.

It’s intoxicating to believe a Dog Trainer, Fitness Coach, Teacher, etc is going to establish guidelines and a schedule that will make your dreams come true 🧞‍♂️

You’ll just follow what they say at a consistent regimented pace and the rest will fall into place.


will still find a way to argue with me on this and I love him for it 😂

“Life finds a way” - Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park 🦕

More like it gets in the way.

Things are unpredictable everyday. Factor in whatever your current mood is and look out!

You will not do what you’re supposed to, set out to or were told to everyday.

You know that’s a fantasy, but here comes the good news.

Just do things “Dailyish” ✌🏼

Do things more days than not.

With your dog please 🙏🏼

Take your seven day week and do something at least four of them.

Dogs are fantastical creatures, but we’re the illusionists 🪄

We believe a rule, or set of rules will force accomplishment to occur therefore making success inevitable and automatic.

Rules exist to begin with not because you’re lazy, but because you don’t trust yourself to get things done without them.

If you lack confidence a rigid rule might serve as your substitute to make up for same.

If you’re a self-punishing perfectionist you use them as a way not to stray.

If you don’t do something it’s because you didn’t want to.

A rule or system will not force desire you don’t possess.

I don’t think or put in the work because someone is looking over their shoulder.

No such rule exists.

Even the most disciplined Dog Trainers I know like are still making a conscious choice to do or do not.

Life with your dog isn’t about serving rules 🤮

It’s about rules to serve your life together as a team.

Jake the Doodle’s Owners don’t have to tell me what they did.

They display it with their actions.


Do not underestimate the little ones…I believe way too many Dog Trainers shy away from smaller dogs because they feel th...

Do not underestimate the little ones…

I believe way too many Dog Trainers shy away from smaller dogs because they feel they bring the BIGGEST headaches 😫

A lot of folks don’t take them seriously to begin with and this where the issues are born.

Have respect for each and every dog.

You may have a breed preference or a look that just knocks your socks off 😍

But all dogs deserve to get the most out of this world in the short time they’re in it 🙏🏼

Too Easy.

My 3 C’s for public outing success! 🐾 1. Control, but not the kind where you’re hanging on for dear life!  Do I have pos...

My 3 C’s for public outing success! 🐾

1. Control, but not the kind where you’re hanging on for dear life! Do I have positive control of my dog in any given environment? I’d better or else I’m a liability to others. I control my bubble 🫧 because I know what’s best for dog and I’m an advocate for their safety and well-being.

2. Casual. I keep outings smooth and casual. Regardless of what I’m feeling in any given moment I will portray an image of stoicism. Very relaxed, but NEVER complacent. I want my dog to interpret outings no different than a stroll in the neighborhood.

3. Confidence. My confidence stems from being capable. Without the opportunities I’ve had and created for myself I would not possess this. I cannot predict what will be thrown at me and my dog, but I will respond accordingly.

Too Easy 😎

If you don’t currently possess these or need help just reach out!

Like muscles 💪🏼 they must be developed! Take action!

Take a breath and step back.The best Owners (and K9 Handlers) I’ve ever trained are the ones who are hardest on themselv...

Take a breath and step back.

The best Owners (and K9 Handlers) I’ve ever trained are the ones who are hardest on themselves.

Now before you nod your head approvingly and start to pin that on your chest like a medal go ahead and stop 🛑😂

Being tough on yourself certainly means you care, but it also can’t be your detriment.

If it is it’ll hit you and your dog like a pile of bricks 🧱

Let me let you in on a dirty secret 🤫

In K9 our world revolved around percentages and pass or fail scenarios.

90% accuracy to find them drugs and 95% for bombs 💣

That’s a continuous grade and if you’ve attended school at any level beyond pre-K you know one or a couple bad scores can destroy an average.

Same with obedience in that world.

Dog does it yay 😁 Dog doesn’t and someone’s on your butt 🍑

Day after day of that under a microscope 🔬 can be exhausting as you’d imagine.

You may begin to miss the bigger picture.

A dog and a person doing something and enjoying themselves.

Hazel (Pictured) and her Pet Parents are pretty incredible like a lot of our clients.

When we’re training I get to stand back and call the shots setting the tone for the next rep.

What I really get to do is be in awe filled with pride.

No grades. No scores. Your dog and you doing things TOGETHER in your space in a crazy world 😂

Be tough on yourselves.

Be tough on yourselves to acknowledge yourselves.

If you’re someone doing the work and making the effort your dog is getting an amazing life.

Don’t forget that.

Too Easy.

It’s a BRAND NEW YEAR 🥳…In reality it’s another new day like everyday to make a positive impact on your dog’s life and b...


In reality it’s another new day like everyday to make a positive impact on your dog’s life and by doing so…Your own.

One of two things will happen though.

You’ll either talk about it or be about it.

You’ll do something that makes a difference or blow enough hot air 🗣️ to fill a balloon up 🎈

Don’t have time? Doesn’t take hours 🕰️

It’s about moments.

The moments you make for your dog OR create for them.

Feel like I’ve already said too much 🫢🤫

More to come on that.


Wanna be in on the secret squirrel 🐿️ info?

Shoot me a message.

Too easy 😎


1417 W Cervantes Street (Appointment Only)
Pensacola, FL


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