Labor Day Sale! We're a little late to post, so going to extend the cutoff date! Going on now - 9/8/24! Shop in store, or shop online and use promo code "SUMMERSALE" for an EXTRA 10% off!
On sale now-
* Standard Ball Pythons!
* Axolotls!
* Blackhead Gravel Ball Python!
* Clown Ball Pythons!
* Coatimundi! (only 1 left!)
* Baby Ferrets! Non-Marshalls just weaned babies!
* Firefly Pied Ball Python!
* Guinea Pigs, premium!
* Guinea Pigs, standard!
* Kinkajou baby! (incredibly sweet boy!)
* Tenrecs!
* Mosaic Sugar Glider, female!
* Leu Sugar Gliders! (preorder.)
* Pied, White Tail Pygmy Squirrels!
* White Tail Pygmy Squirrels!
* Prairie Dogs!
* Rhea!
* Ringtail Sugar Glider, young adult male!
* Brazilian Short Tail Possums!
* Skinny Pigs!
* Albino Skunk!
* Chocolate Skunks!
* Black & White Skunks!
* Champagne Skunks!
* Marbled Skunks!
* Asian Leopard Hybrids/Bengals!
* Siamese Pet Rats!
* Dumbo Pet Rats!
* Hairless Pet Rats!
* White Raccoon, hand-feeding male! (This is the 1st time we have EVER put a hand-feeding raccoon on sale. Don't miss out! Also, he is the LAST Raccoon for 2024!)
* Gray Chinchillas!
* Yellow Belly Sliders, FREE with purchase of 20L or 40B Zoo Med starter kit! (instore only)
* Hairless Hamster! (only one left!)
* All fine minerals, rocks & crystals, 10% OFF! In store discount will be given manually off listed price. Online, simply use the promo code!
* Many others!
** Is the pet or supplies your wanting not included in the sale? Purchase online and use the promo code "SUMMERSALE" for 10% OFF!!!
Shop our big sale now @ https://www.panhandleexotics.com/shopsalepets.htm #!/c/145106227
If shopping online, Use promo code "SUMMERSALE" for 10%! This can be used in addition to animals or supplies already on sale!
Financing available! Take your pet and supplies home today with zero down! For instant approval, apply online now @ www.PanhandleExotics.com/financing.htm
Pay-in-4 is now available if shopping online!
Ground transportation is available if needed! Information @ www.PanhandleExoticsTransport.com
If you're in the area, be sure to check out our mini-indoor zoo, The Wild Side!
Currently on exhibit -
* American Alligators!
* Hoffmans Sloth!
* Ringtail Lemurs!
* Spotted Skunks!
* Yawari Possum!
* Frilled Dragon!
* Iguanas!
* Velvet Ants!
* K**b Tail Gecko!
* Egyptian Fruit Bats!
* Fennec Fox!
* Naked Mole Rats!
* Kusimanse Mongoose!
Info @ PensacolaZoo.com
Panhandle Exotics, your exotic pet store!
37 N Navy Blvd
Pensacola, FL. 32507
(850) 542-4410