One of our puppy owners is needing to rehome their sweet dog Chip due to their growing family. He is a full-size dog now, but is such a good boy! If anyone is interested, please let us know. We will be happy to connect you with their family. They live near Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Chip is 4 years old. He is an active and loving dog. He loves exercise including fetch, running, and hiking for miles. He’s very good off leash (he was trained heavily by owner for this). He knows commands such as sit, stay, shake and “target” in which he will run up and touch his nose to your fingers (very good for off leash!) He is very friendly and fun around other dogs as well as children. He has a very deep and rarely used bark.
He is an Irish goldendoodle. Although he did not get the typical “teddy bear” curly coat that most goldendoodles get, he is still a pretty low-shedding dog. He certainly does not shed like a normal golden retriever.
Here are some photos of Chip over the last couple years.