The concept of BIG ideas and little ideas is human. Dogs don’t think like that. They’ll maul another dog and turn around for some affection and treats. Which means, when living, working and playing with them you must create strong definition with all rules. Once a baseline of this understanding has been established, making exceptions and teaching a differentiation between small and large decisions can be layered down. Until then, you just have a dog that listens to your commands as suggestions.
If your commands are always just suggestions you and your dog are probably living a chaotic, frustrating, risky, dangerous life in which you live in denial and she lives with zero purpose and no understanding regarding why you are together in your living room then out in the yard.
Give your dogs strict boundaries for a meaningful life filled with freedom and purpose. That’s how all good dog trainers accomplish trained dogs. My dogs problem solve constantly when I decide
We’re working on so much more this year. You’re not going to believe what we’re bringing to Pepperell, and the online community. I’m so grateful and proud to be part of this team! Those who read this far… thank you! Stick around to see what we’re doing.
Literally going to change the entire dog training landscape. Plus do a bunch of other really really cool stuff!!! I can’t even sleep I’m too excited.
Also…side note. If you see us doing something with your dog that you struggle with. Tell us, so we can scold you for not doing your home work!! No jk - so we can help transfer the context for her and make sure you’ve got your homework done accurately. The weather has been ridiculously, unacceptably cold, we’ve been sick and getting over health issues and that’s played a part in this because we’ve had to cancel classes. We’re focused on a work around, but for the time being we’re going to cancel weekend packwalks until the weather warms up and it’s safer to walk outside
Not working, just playing with a pack of dogs all considered aggressive/reactive/doesn’t get along with others/ untrainable… yadayadayada. No medicine, no pain, no bullsh*t… just fair and balanced rehabilitation and training. #dogtraining #dogtrainer #balancedtraining #cane corso #ratterrier #olddogs #newdogs #dogphotos #blackgsd #catahoulaleoparddog #redaussie
The core of our training and rehabilitation is neutrality in the Harmony room. Every dog gets initially reset, and learns how to complete tasks. Those tasks are skills (commands) that create resiliency, confidence and a calm, safe and balanced dog. They receive “good dog!” “Yesss!” And affection for reward 95% of their day. When we talk to them, it’s almost entirely positive. The rest is repeated single word commands, and “no” when appropriate. Although we believe in the e collar as a communication device that breaks the spell and gets their attention. We also use it a consequence when needed as a last resort. We never teach with technology. We use body language, gestures, eye contact, repetition forms of pressure to teach.
No healthy relationship is built entirely upon 1 layer. If all you do is pet your dog and nothing else - You’re going to create a mess of a dog. That’s the beginning of the formula for separation anxiety.
From the Harmony room we branch out a step at a time building dogs that learn to live in that state of calm comfortability in all contexts. We must lead them to that enlightenment. We manufacture that dog. That’s what training pet dogs is all about. If you’ve been told otherwise, you were lied to.
Small dogs don’t get a pass. They deserve to be respected and taught strength and agency as well. That is profound.
The end goal is freedom and off leash release and recall for them all. It starts here. However you may interpret them, they are all at different stages and I’m proud of each of them for their remarkable progress and real life skills. We’re so grateful to be trusted with the constant life changes the praises of joy, peace and harmony from their humans. My family taught me how to raise and train them. It worked like magic 40 years ago and the results are just as magical and profound today. ☯️
#dogtaoist #dogtraining #ecollartraining #dogpack #dogclass #dog #corsosofinstagram #minipoodle #poodle #ratte
Perfect recall with a vibrating collar. No harm, no aversion, just freedom and release/ recall practice in pack drive.
Love em. 3 more dogs that will never see shelters, rehoming or behavioral euthanasia. Whiskey, Monte and Baxter. 3 dogs that listen to commands as implicit instructions not suggestions.
#redaussie #bernesemountaindog #goldenretriever #offleash
We takes breaks and play.
Sometimes Kobe can’t help himself… I kinda love that about him lol.
#ratterrier #canecorso #redaussie #blackgsd #catahoulaleoparddog #dogplaying #dogtraining #ruffwear
Knuckles is on point with my commands. Except he tries to keep his belly off the ground by holding a plank when I tell him down 😆 I can’t blame him, but I don’t let it slide. So I step in and take up the space to strengthen the command and repeat it verbally again. Body language layered with vocal commands. He knows exactly what I want so complies and is rewarded with more play time. Tug is awesome for Knuckles. There is a lot going on here. Try it yourself. Try it with your pet dog. Let me know if you need help.
With many dogs, you better teach them rules around biting or they’ll bite whatever or whoever they choose. Knuckles only bites when we tell him to bite, and his out is just as strong.
Knuckles will be in training with Dog Taoist for the rest of his life. There is no end to how much training a dog needs. That’s why we don’t graduate them. Some dogs are ready to move on, and some aren’t because they’ve become part of the pack and program and like exercise and school it’s healthy forever. Sure beats lots of the alternatives. And yes, we have a life of the dog program. ❤️🐾
#americanbully #dogtaoist #dogtraining #tug #bite #bitework #petdog
Home visit - proofing place with Ati
#dogtaoist #dogtraining #dogtreadmill
Emi and Poppy Rose 🌹 ❤️🩹🥰❤️
While I’m grinding Poppy’s nails and blabbing about something lol 🐾
#doglove #dogbodylanguage #dogsofinstagram #dogtraining #doglover #englishlab #apprentice #dogtaoist
This Saturday!! Can’t wait! Get an actual professional pic and digital copy!
Open to the public!!
Dog behavior specialist and staff on site for free information on how to help your dog with issues you’re having.
Dogs must be on leash and under owners control and able to stay with owner during event!
Kobe used to growl and bite when someone would grind his nails. Now he jumps up on the table and waits for me to come over when it’s time.
Get creative and get them enjoying the process. It takes more time than most people have but it allows you to bond with them if you can set aside the time. I usually make 2 passes and I don’t celebrate with high energy when it’s done. I don’t want them waiting for the end, I want them mindful in the moment enjoying the experience. That’s the goal.
Kobe ❤️🩹❤️🩹
#dogrehabilitation #dognailtrim #canecorso #dogbond #dogbonding #cutestdogs #bestdog #calmdog #calmhuman