A quick message to let you all know what is happening.
1). John Truesdell was able to secure the reservation for the Corgi Club House Event center once again for the 2024 Reunion at Great Escapes in Perrin TX. It is again on the first Saturday in June. We have the event center Friday evening and Saturday, as always.
2). John was also able to reserve RV spots 22 and 23 located in front of the club house. One for his camper and one for us to use for parking and visiting around the picnic table. Whether you’re driving in, renting a cabin or an RV spot, remember to bring a chair to use outside,
3). This year’s reunion was great. We had a nice turnout (≈40 ppl if I remember correctly). We raised a record amount in the auction. Thanks again to all who brought great auction items and to John and Shannon (Fat Boy) for handling the auction. We love them being in charge but they’d love a break sometimes so if you can help them out or even handle some of the auction, please let us know! Your help would be greatly appreciated.
4). Thanks to all who brought delicious additions to our Saturday lunch! This coming year, as always, the bbq (from John Truesdell) will be furnished along with tea, water, ice, plates, flatware, and cups will be on hand. Please bring a side dish or dessert to add to the array if you can. If you have a great recipe from the past from one of those we’ve lost be sure to bring that.
5) please bring family photos to share if you can, we all enjoy those.remember to contact Great Escapes North Texas to make your reservations! The person who deals with Family Reunion events is Liz. Call her or mention you are with the Truesdell Cousins Family reunion for a discount. There is also a veteran discount and a senior discount. If you mention the family reunion you will be guaranteed the exact space or cabin you choose without the $25 upcharge . Reservations for 2024 opened on Sept 1.
When you call, push zero (“0”) to talk to someone on site if you desire.
There has been talk of sometimes having the reunion (or an additional reunion) some years in Alaska. We’ve discussed alternate years and every 3rd year has been mentioned. Think about this, please, and let us know what you think. Christy Walker has offered to be the point person to find us a good location near Soldotna and make things happen if/when we decide to do this.