Are your koi under 2 years old? Is your water temperature 64 degrees (Fahrenheit) or above?
Or maybe you have an active pond with a good current that gives your koi a bit of a "workout". Then our Growth formula is designed for you and your koi. It is a complete, nutritionally balanced diet providing the 5 key nutrients for optimal growth, health, and performance of your koi when fed as directed. Plus, don't forget Ultra Balance Koi Food also includes 3 ALL NATURAL color enhancers. Along with Yucca Extract which reduces the ammonia that your koi expel into the water. Manufactured here in the USA! Visit to read more about Ultra Balance Koi Food!
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Tis the season for some Ultra Balance Koi Food Maintenance! You'll just love this formula with added Wheat Germ! A great source of energy for your koi with the cooler water temperatures. #koifood #ultrabalancekoifood #wheatgermkoifood #coolwaterkoifood
#colorenhancers #ShrimpMeal #spirulina #marigoldextract #starmillingco #maintenancekoifood #whitefishmeal #aminoacids