Good morning all of our two, and four, legged friends! We wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all with the care and love of your furry children throughout the years! We wanted to address the recent issues of the doggie respiratory disease that is spreading throughout the country. While it is like COVID, and we cannot guarantee that anybody's pets are safe, wed like to inform you that we have implemented a new and much more tedious cleaning and sanitizing routine. Where as we have always taken the time to clean and sterilize between each groom ..we now have equipped a higher standard of sanitation.
Each pet will only go into one cage throughout their entire stay with us
Each cage will be sanitized between each individual section of the grooming process
All of our equipment, tools, tables and our clothes will be sprayed with sanitizer and cleaned between each pet
We have upgraded our HVAC system to include the top of the line microbial filters that will be pulled daily.
We have air purifiers in each room with your pets
Towels, blankets etc will be washed and sanitized each day
Filters on dryers cleaned and sanitized each day
A more thorough check in process with additional details required (including proof of current bordatela and canine influenza vaccines required in addition to the already required proof of rabies)
We know this is a scary time right now to be a pet owner, but we will always do our very best to keep your pets looking, smelling,feeling great and Healthy!