We strongly recommend testing every cat, whether an adult or kitten FeLV & FiV (combo test)
This is especially important if there are other cats in the household.
Ideally, kittens and new adult cats should be isolated from any other cats in the home until a negative FIV / FeLV test result is achieved.
Do not assume the animal shelter has done this.
Sadly, Many shelters are no longer testing.
Unfortunately, we have seen too many tragic cases recently of cats and kittens adopted locally, becoming very sick & testing positive for FeLV after having already been integrated into the household and other cats. Thus exposing their housemates to the illness. We have seen FIV- positive kittens too but FeLV is the most concerning of the two.
FelV vaccines are generally not offered at the local shelters and there is no vaccine for FIV.
However, there are precautions that can be taken to help keep positive cats and housemates safe & healthy.
Testing and identifying positive cats and kittens is the #1 first step.