The food scientists, nutritionists, dieticians and medical professionals believe that the omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids ratio (6:3) should range from 1:1 to 5:1 using essential fatty acids in a meal plan for human health. To produce these specialty eggs from the scratch, we have to feed the smart hens using Athma-Pure natural feed with no animal by-products, no antibiotics and no hormones. Smart
hens should breathe coastal fresh air, drink potable water and live freely in a cage-free floor barn. After a prolonged trial in our special barn using the flock health monitoring from day old chicks, pullets to layer hens, production performance, periodic egg testing, nutritional compliance and California Shell Egg Food Safety and Quality Compliance, finally we developed this Super Egg as your daily eggs. The Super Pure Egg provides an optimum 3:1 ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids as compared to regular commercial egg. As the Medicare Nutrition Professional and layer veterinarian, I decided to recommend these eggs as your daily eggs with the aim to provide an optimum ratio of omega 6:3 using essential fatty acids, naturally enhanced omega-3 DHA, Vitamin D, Choline, selenium, folate, Vitamin E, Lutein and Zeaxanthin for egg lovers. These Super Eggs as your daily eggs are produced from our Smart Hen Farm in Petaluma (Once the world's egg basket), California.