This weekend we had the opportunity to head to Coshocton, OH to run the Ohio Valley Retriever Club Qualifier. 38 dogs ran the event and the judges put on a challenging setup-up for the four series stakes. Thanks to the judges and all of those who worked hard to make the event run smoothly!
HHR started with 4 dogs…. Toby, Ash, Reno, and Fern. Cosby was scratched due to a small injury. We carried 3/4 into the second series (25 were called back). Ash, Fern, and Toby did a great job on both their land marks and the meaty blind. Ash was the star with only one whistle to the blind.
The third series was a water blind with a long entry and a big swim. Ash and Fern did very well on the water blind and were, along with 11 other dogs, called back to run the 4th series.
The 4th series was a beautiful water marking test with an indented middle retired gun. Ash was on rails in her final series run and took the blue ribbon, earning first place and the designation of QAA.
Congratulations to GRHRCH Ash QAA, owned by Neil and Carol Kaufman!
The whole crew is heading to Inducky next weekend for a HRC weekend test and important Grand prep!