Hello Pfafftown Animal Hospital Family!
As you all know, COVID-19 (coronavirus) health precautions and safety measures are in full effect. We want to let all of our clients know that we are taking every step we can to ensure your health and safety as you continue to visit with us.
What about my pet(s)? Are they in danger?
To date, the CDC hasn't had any reports of pets or animals diagnosed with COVID-19 and there is no current evidence that it can be spread by them; however, there are many other diseases that can be. It is ALWAYS a good idea to wash your hands after being around animals.
What if I don't feel well, can I still bring my pet in for services?
STOP! If you or someone in your family is currently feeling under the weather, we still want to help! Please call us first so that we can discuss the best plan of action for you and your pet’s needs. We will be maintaining and increasing our drop-off services during this time. We ask that those healthy clients who do choose to visit with us utilize our supplies of hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the building.
If you don’t feel comfortable interacting face-to-face, we understand. We will be happy to es**rt your pet to and from your vehicle for their appointment and communicate exam findings, as well as payment, via phone call. We are also offering to take payments over the phone for medication refills and food orders then bring your items to your vehicle if requested.
In order to continue to provide the best veterinary care possible, we need to take all precautions necessary to keep our staff and clients safe and healthy! We appreciate your patience and compliance throughout the next few weeks as everything continues to unfold.