No, it’s not spring cleaning, or looking for a missing critter. The boss hid a few dozen candy and cash laden eggs around the hospital after everyone left last night, and when the first one was found this morning, a melee began! This part of the search was after I let them know that not all of the eggs were found…Everyone was laughing and friendly competition was on for more eggs. Love this group of hard working and hard playing folks that run this hospital.
We had the pleasure of seeing this cutie Doddlebug Kent for her booster appointment. She is the life of the party and we all enjoyed visiting with her today❤️
Eloise and Cooper getting extra play time during their boarding/vacation with us 🌴
Happy first day of October from Darby!!
💀Your Companion Animal Team decorated pumpkins and needs your help to pick a WINNER!💀
👻COMMENT below on your favorite and the winner will be announced
on FRIDAY!!👻
Celebrating Veterinary Technician Week Early!!
Celebrating Veterinary Technician Week Early!
#vettechweek #superiorteam #celebrateeveryone
Miss Cory was tired after her visit yesterday. 😍 (Make sure your sound is on!)
I know I may get some backlash by showing this, but in the interest of disseminating information to keep your pets safe, here goes. We warn about the hazards to avoid during the holidays like pets eating bones, fatty foods, decor and sweets, and I have a new one to add: dog fights induced by letting them share the pleasure of licking the roasting pan together (no animals were injured in making this video) and the ensuing tears of laughter when you catch it on video.