ACCT Philly Kneady Cats Club

ACCT Philly Kneady Cats Club The Kneady Cat Club is a life saving program of the Animal Care & Control Team of Philadelphia.

These sick kitties need exit ASAP!

These sick kitties need exit ASAP!

😿🀧Kitty cold alert!🀧😿

These sniffly felines have come down with kitty colds and could benefit from leaving the shelter with foster or rescue. If you can help any of these cuties get well, please email [email protected]!


Shiba ACCT-A-61125940 is a 18 year old female who came in as a Guardian surrender on 10/4 after her owner unfortunately passed away. Guardian noted that Shiba is calm and beautiful and has never been outside.

Shiba is friendly but scared. She broke out with a URI on 10/8 and is on medication. Shiba has moderate amount of dental tartar and visible gingivitis and gingival recession of the maxillary canines. Would benefit senior bloodwork.

On 10/11 staff noted- very friendly and sweet; tolerated handling and examination.

On 10/12 staff noted- Went to meet Shiba today and she was hiding under a blanket. Went to move the blanket but she just backed away back under her blanket. I left her be as she seemed to be more comfortable with the blanket on. Was not reactive or shown any signs of aggression.

Shiba loves her blankie-


Spots ACCT-A-123672 is a 14 year old male who came in as an owner surrender on 9/22. Owner noted that Spots is β€œquiet, loves to be near you. Lived with 3 children and would love a family oriented home.”

Spots came in with lump on head and a sore on his left eye. On 9/30 he was observed having one episode of hematemesis and was panleuk tested which came back negative. We did blood work which showed Mild stress leukogram suspected. Chemistry rules out underlying diseases typically seen in senior patients (diabetes and renal disease.

Spots broke out with a URI on 10/12 and is on treatment.

10/12 Per Staff- Went to see Spots today and he was very sweet as always, purring up a storm when getting pets. He LOVES chin scratches!

Meet Spots!


Jada ACCT-A-124528 is a 12 year old male who came in as a stray on 10/5.

Jada upper right canine is fractured. He is missing all his incisors and pre molars. He has an ulcer in his mouth (bottom of tongue). He also has nasal discharge with mucus, and his mouth seems painful.

Jada broke out with a URI on 10/8, he was congested and sneezing. He was started on medications

10/8 staff noted- Jada doesn't like people who hesitate. Just go in for the pet. If you linger or hesitate he will think you are playing and start batting at your hand (usually without claws).

10/12 staff noted- Met Jada and she was VERY vocal. She was sweet and loves head scratches!

Sweet Jada-


Carmen ACCT-A-123045 is a 4 year old female who came in on 9/21 as a owner surrender due to owners health. Owner notes that Carmen is calm, relaxed and adoptive. They also noted that she does good with my kids and that she knows her name.

Carmen broke out with a URI on 10/12 and is on medication.

10/12 Staff noted- Met Carmen today, she was very quiet, and calm but was sweet and allowed petting.

Beautiful Carmen-


Frack ACCT-A-123845 is a 4 year old female who came in as a stray on 9/25.

Frack broke out with a URI on 10/10 and has been on treatment.

10/12 Per Staff- Met Frack today and she was very sweet and allowed pets. She was a bit nervous but seemed to enjoy chin scratches.

Frack the Blepping cat-

Email to help these cats!

Email [email protected] to help these cats!

Update- all went to rescue!!

We have some very urgent medical cats who aren’t timestamped (yet), but really should leave the shelter to get more medical care ASAP!
Email [email protected] to help any of these deserving kitties!


Tiger ACCT-A-123726 is a 15 year old male who came in as a Guardian surrender on 9/23 after his owner unfortunately passed away.

On 9/23 Tiger was very stressed out being away from home and did not allow staff to handle or check in. Staff noted that Tiger was Hissing, swatting, growling.

Tiger has moderate periodontal disease-missing left mandibular canine. Heavy calculus on both maxillary PM4.

On 10/7 staff noted that tiger was vomiting and will be monitored for the vomiting.

On 10/10 staff noted- Went to meet Tiger and Tiger was very sweet and social. Was laying down but the second he saw staff giving him attention he got up for pets.

Tiger getting pets-


Ginger ACCT-A-124039 is a 1 year old male who came in as a owner surrender on 10/9 due to not enough space. Owner noted that Ginger is calm.

Ginger has severe stomatitis. Uncertain if positioning of tongue is secondary to oral disease or may be related to congenital confirmation of the oral cavity v. trauma. More immediate dental care including dental radiographs strongly recommended. Ginger would benefit going to rescue that can give him the medical care he needs.

On 10/10 Staff noted- Ginger was in the back of the kennel when approached, very nervous and flinched when the kennel door open. I went very slowly to not stress or spook him. He allowed soft pets on head and back.

Ginger allowing pets-


Mungo ACCT-A-124516 is a 2 year old male who came in as a stray, APO pick up on 10/5. Our APO’s got a call that someone β€œslammed the cat against the wall”. When they arrived the cat was in fetal position with forehead touching ground.

On 10/5 When Mungo came in he was dull, with swelling to head/face. Jaw seems intact, blood vessels around both eyes ruptured. Abrasion on the left hind limb just before paw, Left ear is also swollen and bleeding a bit. Cat tolerated full physical exam.

On 10/6 Head trauma seemed to be improving but Mungo was at high risk for development of pulmonary contusions

On 10/10 staff noted- Went to meet Mungo, went very slowly and pet under chin which he seemed to like. He was purring. Very sweet.

Mungo getting pets-


LaSalle ACCT-A-124834 is a 2 month old kitten who came in as a stray on 10/9. Finder noted that the kitten was not eating and was lethargic.

When LaSalle came in he was noted not wanting to walk but can walk. LaSalle came with very pale gums, head swaying back and forth while sitting up.

On 10/9 LaSalle was presenting for lethargy likely secondary to severe flea anemia and malnutrition. He shows interest in food - perked up upon hearing wet food can opening - but only takes a few bites then stops eating and is likely too weak and nauseous to eat. LaSalle needs supportive care.

On 10/10 staff noted- went to meet LaSalle in the kennel. He is very sweet but weak. He stood up for pets and allowed all body petting.

LaSalle getting pets-

Two kitties seek exit by 10 am on Wednesday!

Two kitties seek exit by 10 am on Wednesday!

UPDATE: Tabby and Skipper have confirmed rescue! 😍

Tabby and Skipper are looking for exit by 10 am on Wednesday, October 5th. If you can help, email [email protected]!



BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Female
WEIGHT: 5.88 lbs
AGE: 16Y/0M/3W
LOCATION: Cat Adoptions 1

** $843 in pledges for the rescue that pulls **
Tabby ACCT-A-122706 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Tabby must have confirmed placement with a ADOPTER or RESCUE PARTNER by Wednesday, October 5th at 10 a.m. Should Tabby's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Tabby is a 16 year old senior kitty girl that came into the shelter on 9/10 as an owner surrender. Unfortunately, Tabby's elderly owner passed away, and the owner's family could not care for her. Tabby was noted to be a sweet senior girl in the home, and even knows her name and will come when called. She recently had bloodwork done by our veterinarian, and it was noted that poor Tabby is suffering from kidney disease. She will need supportive care as well as a quiet home to receive medical attention and live out the rest of her days.


NEW: Meet Tabby-

NEW: Meet Senior Tabby 2



BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Male
WEIGHT: 10.3 lbs
AGE: 3Y/0M/3W
LOCATION: Cat Adoptions 1

Skipper ACCT-A-122859 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Skipper must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER or APPROVED ADOPTER by WEDNESDAY, October 5th, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. Should Skipper's medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Skipper is a gorgeous three year old male cat who was brought in as a stray. Skipper is seeking placement with a rescue partner or with an approved/experienced adopter who can provide proper medical care and take on the expenses. Skipper's diagnosis is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and is now coming down with an upper respiratory infection. Chest radiographs and echocardiogram are necessary to determine stage of disease and prognosis. In addition to the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Skipper also has a Grade III-IV murmur. Skipper is considered to be a hospice kitty as the prognosis for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is poor. However, he deserves to live out the remainder of his time absorbing all of the love from a family. Skipper clearly has lots of love to give his future family and is hoping that someone steps forward to give him the care and attention that he deserves!

Per staff on 10/3/22: "Skipper allows full pets and is affectionate. He even leaned in for more pets.



Cutie Patootie Skipper | ACCT PHILLY:


✨Meet our friend, Tom✨

Tom had his timestamp removed, but he is still not doing well in the shelter. He urgently needs a rescue to scoop him up since he isn’t eating. Can you be Tom’s hero? Email [email protected] to help this sweet fella!


TOM ACCT-A-119180 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns.

Adorable senior guy Tom is a male, neutered, black and white domestic shorthair cat who was found as a stray on 7/29. The cat had been on his block for a couple of weeks, and the finder had been feeding Tom. They noticed that he was having diarrhea and was vomiting, and was not in great body condition. An exam at the shelter showed that he is severely underweight, and had hind limb weakness causing him to stand in a crouching stance. He has severe gingival recession at his maxillary canines and mild plaque. His hind limbs and abdomen were covered in wet f***s at time of intake.

Tom's diarrhea has improved, and he has had no vomiting observed. He likely has an underlying disease (endocrine/metabolic vs. renal vs. GI disease vs. persistent parasite exposure). His ravenous appetite provides some suspicion of underlying hyperthyroidism or diabetes. He is currently on metronidazole which has helped him to have firm stool, but is now also on doxycycline as he has come down with an upper respiratory infection.

Bloodwork was attempted in the shelter, but the blood draw was difficult due to Tom's condition, and very little blood was able to be drawn. An in-house CBC was performed, but we were unable to obtain an in-house chemistry or FELV/FIV test. He has non-regenerative or pre-regenerative anemia, and will need further bloodwork to determine the cause (FIV vs. neoplasia vs. other). Tom also has an elevated white blood cell count, which could be caused by a secondary upper respiratory infection vs. other infection or unspecified inflammatory process vs. neoplasia. If his anemia has an infectious etiology, his course of doxycycline may be helpful.

Tom urgently needs to leave with a rescue partner who can perform further diagnostics to get this lovely old man back into healthy shape! He still has plenty of life in him. He loves to be petted, and will actively seek out attention even though he seems frail. Tom deserves to spend his remaining years being well cared for in a home environment.


Sweet senior needs rescue or an adopter by Saturday morning at 10:00!

Sweet senior needs rescue or an adopter by Saturday morning at 10:00!


Pumpkin needs exit by 10am on Saturday! If your rescue can accommodate this sweet senior or you would like to adopt Pumpkin, please email [email protected]!


BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Female
WEIGHT: 10.36 lbs
AGE: 15Y/0M/2W
LOCATION: Cat Adoptions 1

Pumpkin ACCT-A-117743 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Pumpkin must have confirmed placement with an ADOPTER or RESCUE PARTNER by Saturday, July 30th, at 10 a.m. Should Pumpkin's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Pumpkin is estimated to be a 15 year old cat who arrived at the shelter due to no fault of her own on July 11th, 2022. Upon arrival, she had a great appetite and ravenously ate wet food when given to her. When she first arrived she was incredibly nervous and would swat and hiss. Per the initial exam when she arrived, Pumpkin had mild audible stridor and wheezing was heard at rest without auscultation. Pumpkin continues to arrive since she first arrived. It is possible that she has feline asthma or it could be caused by an Upper Respiratory Infection (versus lower bacterial, viral, fungal) v. nasopharyngeal mass. An examination was performed shortly after and the audible wheezing and stridor heard on the previous exam was not appreciated again. Clinical signs may be exacerbated by stress. Pumpkin has moderate periodontal disease and will benefit from a dental cleaning. Overall, as the patient's appetite remains well and general health seems stable.

Due to Pumpkin's age and significant risk of decline if she were to get sick, she is looking for an exit with a rescue or adopter. Pumpkin is searching for a home to live out her golden years and to give her lots of love!

Per staff on 7/17/22: "sweet senior who loves pets

Per staff on 7/27/22: "Pumpkin is as sweet as pumpkin pie! Her name is fitting for her calico self. She looks forward to people passing by and wonders if they are looking for a lovely senior such as herself. Pumpkin sure does not act like a cat that is 5 years away from being TWENTY! She does have s***k!


Senior Kitty Pumpkin enjoying head rubs | ACCT PHILLY :

Second timestamped cat for Friday!

Second timestamped cat for Friday!

πŸ–€ Senior house panther seeks exit before her timestamp on Friday (7/22) at 10am. Email [email protected] to help! πŸ–€

$220 in pledges!!

Hayes ACCT-A-118119 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Hayes must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Friday, July 22nd at 10:00 a.m. Should Hayes' medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Hayes is a senior female cat who arrived as a stray on July 16th, 2022. Hayes was examined upon arrival and found to be very underweight. She was found to have mild to moderate tartar. A full oral examination wasn't performed as she was desperate for food. Hayes has been sweet while in our care and very tolerant of handling. She continues to be mildly dehydrated but has been responding to supportive care. There is concern for hyperthyroidism and senior bloodwork is necessary. Given the need for further diagnostics and risk of rapid decline in the shelter setting, Hayes is in need of placement with a rescue organization. A rescue organization is needed to address her senior needs and the possibility of hyperthyroidism.

Hayes would do best with a rescue organization who can provide the level of veterinary care needed. Hayes is a social and sweet gal who is in search of a rescue able to perform further diagnostics.

Per Staff On 7/19/22
"I approached Hayes' kennel and she was resting. She glanced at me with soft eyes clearly wanting attention. Hayes welcomed me with a few meows and allowed for some pets. She is a gorgeous cat who is in need of some TLC. This cutie did not attempt to get up, but she was incredibly friendly and allowed me to pet her. "

Video of Hayes:

New timestamped cat for Friday!

New timestamped cat for Friday!

Update- ADOPTED!

Mahdis needs to find rescue, foster, or an adopter by 10am on Friday, July 22. Email [email protected] to be her hero!

Mahdis ACCT-A-117510 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Mahdis must have confirmed placement with an Experienced Adopter, Rescue Partner or Foster by Friday, July 22nd at 10:00 a.m. Should Mahdis' medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Mahdis is a thin female who arrived on July 7th, 2022 after being brought in by a member of a demolition crew. The property was being demolished and the cats were living under the floorboards in a hoarding house. Mahdis' arrived to the shelter with 18 other cats whom she shared a living space with. Mahdis has continues to remain towards the back of her kennel. Mahdis continues to decline while in our care with an ongoing upper respiratory infection. During her examination on July 16th, 2022, she was noted to not be eating and in the kennel drooling. She was observed to to be very thin and dehydrated. After the examination, Mahdis was syringe fed. She was fearful but allowed all handling during the exam.

At this time, Mahdis is looking for placement as she is not doing well medically while in our care. Mahdis would benefit from an experienced adopter, foster or rescue partner to help her back on her paws and assist with socialization. Mahdis needs someone who will initially give her time to decompress while simultaneously administering her antibiotics.

Per Staff On 7/19/22
"Mahdis was in the back of her kennel all curled up. She did not initiate contact or solicit any attention. She did allow me to pet her. Mahdis initially flinched but allowed for me to continue petting her.

Video of Mahdis:

Two of the three urgent senior cats are on expired timestamps!

Two of the three urgent senior cats are on expired timestamps!

UPDATE: Misu is safe with foster care! Midnight and Manny became angels. πŸ’”

Midnight and Manny are on expired timestamps hoping for an extension. Misu needs exit by 10 am on Thursday. Email [email protected] to scoop up any urgent kitties!



BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Female
WEIGHT: 11.37 lbs
AGE: 13Y/0M/0W

** $590 in pledges to the rescue that pulls **

MIDNIGHT ACCT-A-116346 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Midnight has been EXTENDED and must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Monday, June 27th at 10:00 a.m. Should Midnight's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Midnight is a sweet senior female cat that was surrendered to us due to concerns about her age and possible litterbox issues. Upon examination, she is an overweight cat with slightly elevated blood glucose-this could be due to stress, but could possibly be indicative of early diabetes. As a senior cat who has come to the shelter after years in the same quiet home, Midnight is at high risk of rapid decline and urgently needs to leave with a rescue group that is able to provide her with a quiet environment to decompress and appropriate senior medical care to address and treat any underlying causes of her litterbox issues, such as a UTI. She will need a veterinarian-supervised weight loss plan.

We have only had Midnight in our care for a day, so we do not know her well. But she has been very tolerant and quiet for her exams, and does sit quietly in her kennel for pets and attention. She has an ear tip, but was in her recent home for several years, so we think she has a long and varied history and lots of stories to tell!

Midnight in the kennel:



BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Female
WEIGHT: 5.44 lbs
AGE: 8Y/6M/3W
LOCATION: Cat Adoptions 2

** $180 in pledges to the rescue that pulls **

Manny ACCT-A-115145 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Manny must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Monday, June 27 at 10:00 a.m. Should Manny's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Manny is a gorgeous, senior, female, tortoiseshell cat (look at those eyes!) that was abandoned at the shelter door. While in the shelter, she began eliminating outside of the litterbox and show a loss of interest in food. Upon medical evaluation, it was determined that she was dehydrated and suffered from muscle wasting. Her blood work suggests diminished kidney function. Manny needs close monitoring and individualized medical care, both of which are well beyond the scope of our care. Manny needs to leave the shelter with a rescue group that can provide her with the medical care she needs.

Manny is a calm, lady. While she does not solicit attention, she does not shy away. A slow approach works best with this stunning, senior lady.




BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Female
AGE: 9Y/0M/3W
LOCATION: Cat Adoptions 2

Misu ACCT-A-114926 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to behavioral concerns. Misu must have confirmed placement with an ADOPTER, FOSTER or RESCUE PARTNER by Thursday, June 30th, at 10 a.m. Should Misu's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Misu is a senior spayed female cat that came to the shelter when her owner of 7 years moved out and left her behind. She has been with us over a month, and has taken some time to adjust to the shelter environment. She loves attention, but on her own terms, as she enjoys being petted but can get overstimulated after a few minutes or if a person doesn't stick to her preferred areas. When that overstimulation happens, she can swat and growl. Misu would do best in a home without young children, with an experienced cat person who can recognize when she's had enough petting and give her space. Misu urgently needs to leave with an adopter, foster, or rescue partner that will give her the time she needs to decompress and show her true sassy senior personality.

Per staff On 6/26 - "Such a sweet lady! She does have a time limit for affection, but when I extended my hand to her, she sniffed me and then rubbed her head against my hand. I pet her for several minutes before she stepped back and swatted, but then a second letter she came back for more pets. I stuck to petting her around her head and neck area and did not attempt to pet her body."
"I approached her kennel and she remained unfazed. She did not hiss, swat or lunge. She did not solicit attention either."

On 6/22: "Misu is a long term resident at almost a month. While she wants to show affection by soliciting attention rubbing on the kennel, she will then in turn growl and swat."

Misu in the kennel:

Super urgent kitty needs exit ASAP!

Super urgent kitty needs exit ASAP!

UPDATE: Pisces did not find exit and vet staff helped end his suffering. Rest easy, handsome man. πŸ’”

🚨Pisces MUST find placement by 6PM tonight!🚨


Pisces ACCT-A-116631 is a 3 year old cat who came in as a stray possibly hit by a car.

Pisces is very quiet and somewhat intermittently dull. He is non-ambulatory with moderate swelling and visible wounds along his right thoracic limb (possible fracture v. soft tissue injury v. infection), and more superficial wounds on chin and hind limbs. Patient is shivering which may be secondary to pain and/or hyperthermia. He remains quieter and occasionally is limitedly responsive but becomes resentful (vocalizes) when handled. Recommend supportive care (heating pad) at this time to determine next steps.

πŸ“£ SIX timestamped cats! πŸ“£

πŸ“£ SIX timestamped cats! πŸ“£

UPDATE: Mister N, Liberty, Truffles, and Memo have rescue! πŸŽ‰ Midnight and Manny were humanely euthanized. πŸ˜”

Friends, it is kitten season, which means we’re going to be seeing lots of timestamped cats. If you can help any of the cats at the shelter, please email [email protected]!



BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Female
WEIGHT: 11.37 lbs
AGE: 13Y/0M/0W

MIDNIGHT ACCT-A-116346 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Midnight must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Sunday, June 26th at 10:00 a.m.. Should Midnight's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Midnight is a sweet senior female cat that was surrendered to us due to concerns about her age and possible litterbox issues. Upon examination, she is an overweight cat with slightly elevated blood glucose-this could be due to stress, but could possibly be indicative of early diabetes. As a senior cat who has come to the shelter after years in the same quiet home, Midnight is at high risk of rapid decline and urgently needs to leave with a rescue group that is able to provide her with a quiet environment to decompress and appropriate senior medical care to address and treat any underlying causes of her litterbox issues, such as a UTI. She will need a veterinarian-supervised weight loss plan.

We have only had Midnight in our care for a day, so we do not know her well. But she has been very tolerant and quiet for her exams, and does sit quietly in her kennel for pets and attention. She has an ear tip, but was in her recent home for several years, so we think she has a long and varied history and lots of stories to tell!



BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Female
WEIGH: 5.44 lbs
AGE: 8Y/6M/3W
LOCATION: Cat Adoptions 2

Manny ACCT-A-115145 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Manny must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Monday, June 27 at 10:00 a.m. Should Manny's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Manny is a gorgeous, senior, female, tortoiseshell cat (look at those eyes!) that was abandoned at the shelter door. While in the shelter, she began eliminating outside of the litterbox and show a loss of interest in food. Upon medical evaluation, it was determined that she was dehydrated and suffered from muscle wasting. Her blood work suggests diminished kidney function. Manny needs close monitoring and individualized medical care, both of which are well beyond the scope of our care. Manny needs to leave the shelter with a rescue group that can provide her with the medical care she needs.

Manny is a calm, lady. While she does not solicit attention, she does not shy away. A slow approach works best with this stunning, senior lady.



Mister N

BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Male
WEIGHT: 7.25 lbs
AGE: 12Y/0M/0W
LOCATION: Cat Adoptions 1

MISTER N ACCT-A-116404 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Mister must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by MONDAY, JUNE 27 at 10:00 AM. Should Mister's medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Mister N is a lovely 12 year old neutered male kitty who came to us after his owner passed away. After examination, we have determined that he has significant dental disease and also a heart murmur that requires further workup. He has muscle wasting and dehydration that may be indicative of a history of malnutrition but could also point towards underlying systemic disease. Mister urgently needs to leave the shelter with a rescue group that is prepared to offer him a full senior health assessment at a full-service veterinarian, likely including radiographs, and treatment for his dental disease along with any other conditions diagnosed during his workup.

Mister N has been friendly and tolerant for all of his veterinary care and handling, but he is definitely stressed in the shelter after the upheaval of his entire life. He deserves a quiet home in which he can thrive and be a loyal, gentle companion throughout his senior years!

Mister N likes head scratches:



BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Male
WEIGHT: 2.2 lbs
AGE: 0Y/2M/2W

Liberty ACCT-A-116452 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical issues. Liberty must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Tuesday, June 28th at 10:00 a.m. Should Liberty's medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Liberty is a 2-3 month old male kitten that was found as an injured stray on June 23rd. Upon intake he was fearful, but allowed all handling. He came into the shelter infested with fleas that have since been treated, but secondary anemia is probable, along with flea dirt in his coat. He was also limping on his right hindlimb and he is suspected to have a right femoral fracture. He is being provided with pain management in the shelter, but is in urgent need of rescue placement to provide him with radiographs and probable surgical correction of R femur vs limb amputation.

Liberty walking -

Liberty getting pets -



BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Male
WEIGHT: 13.75 lbs
AGE: 3Y/0M/0W

Truffles ACCT-A-116471 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Truffles must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Tuesday, June 28 at 10:00 a.m. Should Truffles' medical or behavioral status change, his urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Truffles is a handsome adult, white and brown cat. While in the shelter, staff noticed blood in his litter box. Upon monitoring and evaluation, it was determined that Truffles is at high risk for developing a urinary block, in the shelter environment. Truffles would benefit from a strict urinary diet and close monitoring, which is beyond the scope of our care. Truffles needs to leave the shelter with a rescue group that can provide him with the medical care he needs.

Truffles is a very affectionate cat. He enjoys face rubs and will seek attention and affection.




BREED: Domestic Shorthair
S*X: Female
WEIGHT: 5.19 lbs
AGE: 0Y/8M/2W

Memo ACCT-A-116538 is currently considered urgent and at risk of euthanasia due to medical concerns. Memo must have confirmed placement with a RESCUE PARTNER by Tuesday, June 28 at 10:00 a.m. Should Memo's medical or behavioral status change, her urgency and timeline for placement may also change.

Memo is a beautiful, young brown tabby cat that was brought in, as an injured stray, by our animal protection officer. Upon medical evaluation, Memo displayed knuckling on her hindlimb. Memo's motor function and sensation are intact. However, muscle wasting and chronic skin changes were observed. Memo will need radiographs to further define the injury and determine the best treatment for her. Memo needs individualized medical attention, beyond the scope of our care. Memo needs to leave the shelter with a rescue group that can provide her with the medical care she needs.

Memo is a calm, lady. While she does not solicit attention, she does not shy away. A slow approach works best with this sweet, young lady.



111 W Hunting Park Avenue
Philadelphia, PA


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