Deropeltis paulinoi(Ornate velvet cockroach) got a rehouse recently and seem to be settling into their new home quite nicely. One of my favorite blattid species that can be fairly quick breeding once established and quite calm in terms of checking them out and moving around their hides. Great intermediate species to keep as well since they tend to handle a wide variety of conditions in stride😁 and who wouldn't love a black and yellow invert with males that Mimic wasps😁
Tax man always got to get his dues🙄
And heres a little video of one of the smaller velvets cruising those little feets😍
Here at magnificent beasts we also keep magnficent SCALY beasts! Heres a pair of giant bent toe geckos, cyrtodactylus irianjayaensis, that we recently picked up these little curly tailed cuties will eventually grow to he 10-12" long! Going from adorable to gremlins real fast with disproportionately large heads and very long tails! These two have already begun getting use to us and almost immediately took food from both tongs as well as roaches allowed to just wander around the cage, well be updating everyone on these baby titans as they grow up and are super excited to help make these guys just a bit more common in the hobby😁
Scolopendra gigantea "white leg" suspect female taking down a huge subadult blaberus craniifer nymph at 1130pm because why sleep when you can feed fun 9" long centipedes🙃
Looks like the decoralampra are really starting to do well! This beautiful species that seems to mimic a species of beetle is very simple to care for and quite beautiful the video is solely to show off how many i pulled during a recent rehousong the pic in the comments however shows off the beautiful colors of the adults! Due to how well the colony is doing ill be letting go groups of 12 for only 65$ shipped!
Pycnoscelus tenebrigera one of the rarest of the pycnoscelus genus and in my opinion one of the prettiest photos don't really do them justice the males look similair to pycnoscelus striatus(the ember roach) but have a red sheen to them that makes them really stand out, this species has been around for awhile but has consistently been lost in the US on several occasions but us at magnificent beasts are happy to say these guys are now gonna be around and available for a long time😃
Yes! First ever hatching here of periplaneta americana "black" and periplaneta americana "black+white eyes"! Morphs in roaches are incredibly rare so to have 4 in one species including a double gene morph is just awesome to see in person! Once these little guys and girls get some size to them they will be available here first at the magnificent beasts facility!