Some fun in the field for this energetic group. Odie is such a great helper. Yes, the cat got away🙀
Sorry for video overload but too cute not to share...”It’s Mine!!!”🌸🌸 If you saw the video with the “little stinker.” it’s Ms Orange! 😂
Ms Orange and Ms Pink are available. Please contact Brigitte Rhinehart at email address above for more information.
[email protected]
Here is my 94 year young mother-in-law Enola helping me to get a picture of these two rowdy girls, Ms Orange-left and Ms Pink-right.
Just a few seconds of Ms Pink and Ms Orange spending some time with their buddy Odie. He loves these puppies so much and they love him too. 🌸
These 2 girls from Hannah and Gilbert’s litter are still available.
Coming back from a walk with the last 5 of 16 are waiting to be picked up and 1, Ms Green, is still available for her forever home. Check next clip to see more of Ms Green. 🙂
Up dating!!!
Ms Green has been spoken for! We still have Ms Orange and Ms Pink from Hannah and Gilbert’s litter available. Check website.
Will be posting a clip of them shortly, stay tuned. 🤗
Rescue pup, Odie, seen here with Ms Green is still needing a forever home. Odie is obviously a mixed breed. He was abandoned at rental house and starving, literally! I’ve had him a month and he is a very sweet boy. About 6 months old and a great stay with you companion. He is also a great puppy helper! If you know of someone that might be interested in this good boy please message me, Rita Clinkenbeard. Thanks ❤️
Please everyone, feel free to share. Someone not seeing post may be the one that's looking for a beautiful Swissy and or an Odie. 🤗
Ever wonder how we pull off a good puppy group picture?
Me too! LOL
“Puppy Whisperer” 😂 😂😂
There’s always one in the group 🤣
BTW these 5 are available. The little jumper is half price😉 JUST kidding! She’s adorable!
Check website for more info.
This video is longer than I would normally post. There is sooo much cuteness, excitement and love I could not decide on a short clip. Not sure who had more fun between my neighbors kiddos or the 16 puppies 😍❤️😍
Some of these little sweethearts are still available...Puppies not kids😂. Check website. Thanks:)
Oh the pure pleasure of just watching ❤️ My cousin Brianna came for some puppy love❣️ 🐾
Puppy play🐾 Ms Blue has been queen of the teeter totter since I put it out.
Fresh straw after so much rain makes happy puppies❣️