Our beautiful fish in saltwater today would be the Leopard Wrasse, Midas Blenny, and a Humu Picasso Trigger. You can see the Trigger chewing on some Algae and the Midas Blenny took the stage with its social personality.
#blenny #triggerfish #wrasse #saltwateraquarium
We have some amazing Spotted Garden Eels. In the wild they eat copepods, plankton, and other small organisms but here we see them eating Prime Reef Flakes happily.
Come check them out before they're gone!
#Eels #saltwateraquarium #reefsafe #reef #oceanlife
The Ocean Floor now carries KatsAquatics shrimp food!
The Ocean Floor now carries KatsAquatics Shrimp Food!!! Cherry shrimp tested, Amano approved.
We have an awesome selection of #freshwater #shrimp at the Ocean Floor! Check out some cool #Caridina, galaxy, honey bee, black crystal, blue tiger, etc.
Come see them in action at our shrimp display!
Rare Freshwater Plants
Some footage from our very happy #Freshwater lead, Joe, because we got some new #plants that we haven't had in a very long time like Pink Flamingo Crypts, Madagascar Lace, Crinum Calamistratum, Aponogeton Crispus and Myrio Red 😎
So this is love for our underwater gardeners...
NEW #Freshwater #plants every Friday at the Ocean Floor!
Beautiful Coral at Ocean Floor
It's always a thing of beauty when our #coral tanks are full!
It's always a good day to stop by and see what's in store at the Ocean Floor!
#Seahorses at the Ocean Floor! Did you know their crowns are as unique as human fingerprints?
Noahguys baby Sea Horses!
I Noahguy who breeds Seahorses! He works at the Ocean Floor and his name is Noah. You can find him in the Saltwater sections at the Ocean Floor 5-7 days a week. You can see his Seahorses in this video clip! Congratulations Noah, breeding seahorses is no small feat! 👏
Freshwater Swap Promo
JUMP ON IT - February Freshwater Swap Meet!
Join us, Southwest Aquatic Society, and 14 awesome vendors this Sunday, Feb. 6th from 11-2pm for a chance to SCORE some fresh plants and meet other hobbyists.
We hope to see you there!
Shrimp at the Ocean Floor!
Meet one of these busy little buddies today at The Ocean Floor!
#shrimpkeeping #shrimp
Our friend Bill the Blochii Tang has recently left the store in search of his "forever tank". He found it at one of Butterfly Wonderland's beautiful display tanks. We will miss having him begging for attention everytime we looked at the colonies. Truly a very fun fish.
Was cleaning off the shark eggs and noticed this big boy was feeling a bit cramped. Decided to let it stretch it’s fins a bit. What a little cutie!
Just a few zoanthids being raffled off as a group at tomorrow's frag swap. Here we have Beauty and the Beast palys, AOIs, Utter Chaos just to name a few. Be sure to swing in and enter for your chance to win these hard to find gems. If you win this pack, you'll be headed home with a box of reef crystals as well. Come in and see what it's all about!!