Socialization is a huge draw to my boarding business. Like children, dogs don’t just crave socialization, they NEED it.
I can’t tell you how many folks I have come across mention that their pups have never been around other dogs or even been left alone (COVID pet parents I’m especially looking at you!)
Again, like children, dogs who do not have the opportunity to learn how to play with others, can really struggle to pick those skills up the older they get.
This can lead to aggression and anxiety when out and about and even destruction in the home as a result of not having the proper stimulation.
I love our boarding model because our clients are around each other as much as humanly possible instead of just 30 min here and there like many other boarding facilities.
If your dog hasn’t had much time with others, I urge you to make that a priority in the new year. Trust me, your furry friend will thank you!