Poverty's Pets

Poverty's Pets Poverty's Pets rescues abandoned, neglected, and abused companion animals in low-income communities i

Poverty’s Pets was incorporated in 2005 under the direction of the Founder and Animal Advocate, Kate Sivolella and is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. With a mission of aiding abandoned, neglected, and abused companion animals in low-income and underserved communities, Poverty’s Pets also provides education programs and veterinary care services (including spay/neuter) to families in the low-incom

e areas of Phoenix, AZ. In addition to these initiatives, Poverty’s Pets partners with local schools to educate students on the respect and welfare for all beings, and to promote positive interactions between the dogs and students. Since 2008, Poverty’s Pets has facilitated the adoption of over 1000 animals, provides medical services (including spay and neuter) to over 800 each year. With a compassionate volunteer network, it is Poverty’s Pets goal to end animal cruelty, suffering, overpopulation and homelessness.

Phoenix Peeps!!  Poverty's Pets (along with others in the animal community) have been pushing hard for legislative chang...

Phoenix Peeps!! Poverty's Pets (along with others in the animal community) have been pushing hard for legislative change! We need to keep the pedal on the gas! Please take a moment and arrange to have the afternoon of Tuesday, March 18th available to attend the March Madness Rally! Banners and posters will be provided. Be a voice for change to help strengthen the City of Phoenix's animal welfare ordinances.

We call him "The Big Rig"  as baby Rigby is gonna be a big boy.  Rigby has come a long way these last three months.  He ...

We call him "The Big Rig" as baby Rigby is gonna be a big boy. Rigby has come a long way these last three months. He will thrive with a family that is patient, patient, patient. Rigby was found as a pup with his sibling and mama back in November. The family was sunning themselves on a pile of garbage, awaiting bulk trash pick up. Rigby, along with his litter mate, Anabelle, have been gaining confidence daily. The Big Rig will make a wonderful companion. He needs a soft place to land, a forever home that will allow him to continue to gain confidence and live his best life. He is working hard not to be afraid... we are seeing tail wags and even a few kisses. Oh, yes, he is so handsome with the most soulful eyes.

A few weeks ago, we shared Lucy's rescue.  It was an upsetting situation as we witnessed animal abuse.  At the time, we ...

A few weeks ago, we shared Lucy's rescue. It was an upsetting situation as we witnessed animal abuse. At the time, we opted to approach the family as we felt we could educate and offer our help, and ultimately make a greater impact than if we call the Arizona Humane Society or the Police. Since that post, we have been back to the property multiple times. The dynamics at the home are difficult and sad. We worked closely with an elder woman who was so grateful for our help. It was she who asked us to assist her in rehoming the dogs on the property. During our last visit, the elderly woman asked if we could help with one last thing. She then headed to a back bedroom, opened the door and retrieved a little dog. She requested that the dog be euthanized. For liability purposes, the dogs were signed over to Poverty's Pets, and we were free to see if we could give the little dog a tune up, and the opportunity to live a better life. As for the animal abuse we witnessed, the other adult in the house was the elderly woman's daughter. It was obvious that she suffered from mental health and anger management. It was heartbreaking... yes, it is no environment for dogs, but also not for an elderly woman.

This past Wednesday, we trapped feral cats well into the dark and the cold.  One of our core volunteers' husband was hom...

This past Wednesday, we trapped feral cats well into the dark and the cold. One of our core volunteers' husband was home alone and heard a constant whine. The cries lead him to a pampers box in the alley, not far from the dumpster. In her own waste, shivering and cold, he found a puppy. It has been 72 hours, and the pup is thriving. This is a happy ending... but man, people are cruel... so cruel.

Yesterday, we hosted our feral cat clinic!  We set 54 traps, and we caught 50 cats!  We definitely need to do a better j...

Yesterday, we hosted our feral cat clinic! We set 54 traps, and we caught 50 cats! We definitely need to do a better job at checking for previously done as four of the cats were already ear-tipped 😠, another had to be euthanized for medical reasons, and little Carlos is too young to neuter. So, 44 cats were sterilized along with three tiny dogs. One of the residents at the trailer park has multiple dogs and we arranged to sneak two of his in the clinic and a stray. So yea, yesterday was a day well spent.... 44 cats, 3 dogs will no longer contribute to our man made pet over-population crisis, and multiple medical needs were addressed. Thank you, team!

We are hosting our feral cat clinic today...40 plus cats.  We were busy last night.

We are hosting our feral cat clinic today...40 plus cats. We were busy last night.

A big "Thank you" to Randy and the good folks at  Boxer Luv Rescue !  Ms. Rosie has had a difficult start to her young l...

A big "Thank you" to Randy and the good folks at Boxer Luv Rescue ! Ms. Rosie has had a difficult start to her young life.
When we crossed paths with Rosie back in early December, we realized her situation was not ideal, and over time, it was going to get worse. It got worse fast! Yesterday, Rosie was turned over to our friends at Boxer Luv Rescue and she is all smiles with her new foster family. Thank you to all who had their kind hand on Rosie's back, never turning your back on her. A moment of your time is a lifetime for Rosie ❤️.

Earlier this month, we spotted a mama dog roaming the streets.  Every day since, a dedicated volunteer canvassed the are...

Earlier this month, we spotted a mama dog roaming the streets. Every day since, a dedicated volunteer canvassed the area, knowing that most likely there were puppies. As the mama was always on the go, scrounging for food, it was assumed the pups were not getting proper care. Last week, during one of our many visits, a lone puppy was spotted early morning under a car. The pup was cold and in the area where Mama roams. Without hesitation, we took the pup and warmed her tiny body. Where did she come from? Where are there others? Later the same day, we headed back out. This time, we saw more puppies waddling around a yard. There were kids present, holding the pups and just being kids. We counted five pups on the property and the Mama! The same Mama dog we had been tracking. The pups were filthy, the yard was filthy, and the adults in the home were not pleased to see us. Several minutes into our visit, when it was realized we were there to help, the mother of the home, through our volunteer who translates, explained that she did not want the Mama and three of the remaining puppies. Knowing that one pup was already in our care, she explained, "My husband must have given one away," as there used to be six... no, your husband did not give one away...
It was difficult leaving two of the pups behind. We offered to bring them back in two weeks, which would allow the pups more time with their Mama. Our offer was greeted with a hard no! We did our best to educate, stressing to bring them inside. We continue to drive by the property, looking for more roaming puppies. So, before you @ us and criticize us for leaving two pups behind, it was not what we wanted. Dogs are considered property, and with the lack of owner and law enforcement accountability, we did what we felt was best. We have four pups and the mama... all will get the medical needed and find loving homes. They beat their odds, after all, as they were born to suffer. The family says they will allow us to neuter the two pups and the papa. At least the cycle of dogs born to suffer will end.
This rescue is ongoing.

The mornings are cold.  This puppy was shiviering in the arms of a homeless man who was approaching people at an early m...

The mornings are cold. This puppy was shiviering in the arms of a homeless man who was approaching people at an early morning garage sale. He wanted $40... we paid $10 and now have the pup (approximately 6-8 months) in our care. Today, we will be reaching out to our rescue partners as we simply do not have the resources to properly care for all these animals in need that cross our path. The puppy is a female. She is thin, filthy and a bit timid. The young man who had the dog claims he found the dog roaming the streets. His story is believable as you can not go one block in these underserved communities without seeing stray dogs.

You build it, they will come!  Yesterday, Poverty's Pets hosted out free community spay and neuter clinic.  Spay days ar...

You build it, they will come! Yesterday, Poverty's Pets hosted out free community spay and neuter clinic. Spay days are good days! Dozens of companion animals will no longer contribute to our man made pet over-population crisis. We had a lot of female dogs, and many of them were found to be early term. The only way to curb this madness is through spay and neuter.... we will never adopt or foster out of this crisis unless we stop the never-ending cycle of birth. There simply are not enough homes for the thousands of dogs born into our communities on a monthly basis.

In early December, Poverty's Pets hosted one of our free community spay and neuter clinics.  Volunteers canvass our targ...

In early December, Poverty's Pets hosted one of our free community spay and neuter clinics. Volunteers canvass our targeted underserved communities, placing a flyer on each door we pass. Clinic week is intense as the phone rings off the hook. Oftentimes, the volunteer who placed the flyer on the door has an in person conversation with the pet owner, as was the case with Rosey, the boxer pup featured in this post. Rosey's owner arranged for her female dog to be bred with another boxer. She then decided to keep one of the puppies, Rosey. When a flyer was placed on her door, the volunteer was approached by the owner. Recently, the mama dog started attacking her puppy. We did our best to educate and noted that the mama was in heat, and that could be a contributing cause. We were relieved that the owner agreed to let us spay both of the dogs. Last week, we followed up with the owner to check in on the dogs. We were informed that the owner gave Rosey to her son. We became concerned when she shared with us that his dogs are attacking her and that he keeps her in a kennel. As the pictures tell the story.... when we arrived at the son's house, Rosey was in a kennel, with four unaltered dogs (male and female) roaming the yard. We are grateful that the mother and son gleefully turned Rosey over to us. As we do not have a shelter, Rosey remains in a kennel much of the time with a volunteer who has dogs and cats of her own. She gets plenty of love and she is safe. We are so grateful to , who have taken over 25 dogs from us these past two months... dogs from the streets, the alley, under abandoned houses...and they have committed to Rosey. In the meantime, we will keep her safe until HALO is ready for Rosey.
Tomorrow is our spay clinic. Yes, we will celebrate sterilizing dozens of companion animals, all from a flyer on a door. But clinic weeks have turned into logistics nightmares. We now brace ourselves for the dozens of animals we will see. Their lives often depend on us removing them on the spot. In the past 90 days (three clinics), Poverty's Pets have removed 52 dogs off the streets. Let that sink in....

On Saturday, while passing out flyers for our upcoming free community spay and neuter clinic, volunteers witnessed anima...

On Saturday, while passing out flyers for our upcoming free community spay and neuter clinic, volunteers witnessed animal abuse. In the middle of the street, this puppy was frozen in fear as her owner kicked her repeatedly in a state of rage. When we approached her, the owner explained that she did not want the dog as it continued to escape her yard... "Take her...do you want her....take her," she quipped at us. Yes, we took the puppy and she is now safe in our care.

After the incident and viewing the abuse, we had a decision to make: do we report her to authorities, or do we return to the scene of the crime to see how we may be able to help. We opted to speak to the owner, and phone numbers were exchanged. As there are multiple dogs on the property, it is obvious that the owner is a bit overwhelmed coupled with anger management issues. It is not a good combination and the dogs are the victims... born to suffer.

We will be sterilizing all of her dogs and doing our best with our limited resources to better the lives of the dogs. Sadly, we feel (know?!) that the Arizona Humane Society and the Police would turn a blind eye had we reported what we witnessed and left the ball in their court. They have a proven record of doing nothing in such situations.

As for the puppy, she is about 3 months old and is coming out of her shell. The mama and her siblings still remain. Our intention is to end the breeding and to educate. Stay tuned.

It has been just over a week since we rescued Morgan and her pups.  These last 48 hours, Morgan has seemed to have turne...

It has been just over a week since we rescued Morgan and her pups. These last 48 hours, Morgan has seemed to have turned the corner. She is well rested and even gave us a tail wag. She is going to be the sweetest companion 💕.

Dr. Martin Luther King...on this day, January 20, 2025, we honor you.

Dr. Martin Luther King...on this day, January 20, 2025, we honor you.

Yesterday, volunteers passed out flyers for our upcoming free community spay and neuter clinic.  It is hard to put into ...

Yesterday, volunteers passed out flyers for our upcoming free community spay and neuter clinic. It is hard to put into words just how bad the pet over-population epidemic is here in Phoenix. Most of the focus is on the county shelter, everyone spinning their wheels trying to save those souls that hit the E list. In truth, all focus needs to be on where these dogs are all coming from and why?! They come from Phoenix's underserved communities, and the reason is threefold: 1. lack of law enforcement accountability 2. lack of owner accountability 3. lack of accessible and affordable spay and neuter services. Most of the folks in these communities are overwhelmed by the free roaming dogs and their calls for help fall on deaf ears. Our clinics fill up in a New york minute... and the stories behind each phone call or conversation is heartbreaking. We see so many unaltered dogs running in packs, in back yards... This is where our shelters and rescues get their never-ending stream of dogs... They are born to suffer ... it is insanity and exhausting. For decades now, It is as if there is a gigantic hole in the roof, and all we do is continue to mop the floor and move buckets... we need to fix the roof!

It is hard to put into words the amount of free roaming dogs we see in our underserved communities.  This picture is hot...

It is hard to put into words the amount of free roaming dogs we see in our underserved communities. This picture is hot off the press, two dogs, 8 am on a Friday morning searching for food on 31st Ave & Fillmore. The tan dog is a nursing mom. The last thing this neighborhood needs is more puppies born to suffer. But in truth, there is a never-ending stream of puppies being born, filling our shelters, born just to suffer. Poverty's Pets works endlessly in this community. Sadly, we will never get ahead of this pet over-population crisis until we have owner and law enforcement accountability coupled with affordable and accessible spay and neuter services.

Tomorrow, in preparation for our upcoming free community spay and neuter clinic, volunteers will be on foot in this community and will be keeping our eyes open for the puppies belonging to this mama. It will not surprise us if they are in an alley or a vacant lot ... or the yard of an irresponsible owner. We see it all.

It has been a long up and down 72 hours.  This past Thursday evening, when we first spotted this very pregnant dog who w...

It has been a long up and down 72 hours. This past Thursday evening, when we first spotted this very pregnant dog who would not allow us near her, we knew time was of the essence. So now, as you read this, Morgan (we named her!) is safe thanks to some incredibly dedicated, selfless, and caring volunteers. Morgan is absolutely exhausted. We are allowing her all the rest she deserves. She is eating and drinking and seems to welcome our kind hands. It is obvious that Morgan was born to suffer. She has been roaming the streets for months, having endured our brutal summer without a consistent source of water, food, and shade. Always watching her back, forever in survival mode. Morgan has had multiple litters as and we estimate her to be 3-4 years.

Morgan had five puppies just under the barbed wire on the corner of 19th Ave and Fillmore. Two pups passed away. The remaining three are plump and happy. It was obvious to us that the two that passed were not like the others. RIP little souls.
Thanks to all who had a hand in bringing Morgan to safety.... and to those who will be a part of her healing.

Today was pretty special. We made quite the dent on our pet memorial wall.    It was just a good day... lots of laughs a...

Today was pretty special. We made quite the dent on our pet memorial wall. It was just a good day... lots of laughs and memories shared. We will do it again.


PO Box 40112
Phoenix, AZ


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