It’s with a very heavy heart that we share the news of Gary the Goose’s passing. She came to us as a gosling along with a little
baby chick. We didn’t know what the sexes were, so we named the chick Gretchen and the gosling Gary. Well, one morning Gretchen started crowing and the one-day Gary laid an egg. We had their genders wrong but decided to keep the names.
Gary & Gretchen were a bonded pair up until we lost Gretchen a little over 2 years ago. We witnessed Gary mourn the loss of her friend; she never bonded with anyone else, preferring to be a solitary goose although she shared her pasture with Milton B***o and our new pig Nicholas.
I write this with tears rolling down my cheeks. I keep thinking one day the pain won’t be so bad and the tears won’t come. But if I’m honest, I don’t ever want that day to come. As painful as it is to lose one of these beautiful souls, we feel blessed that we are their stewards while they walk this earth and will continue to honor them once they have made that final journey. Holding her in her final moments was a privilege we will always cherish.
Here’s to you sweet Gary, may you and your special friend Gretchen soar free together again. We will forever miss the sound of your sweet honking. 🪿💔