Lincoln’s brother Able wants to help 🥰Urban Wag Pet Spa located at 13240 N 7th St in the Goodwill Plaza. 602-441-5010
Healthy Skin and Coat
Does your pup have dry, itchy, flakey skin? Here is a before and after of the skin and coat spa treatment to help alleviate these symptoms leaving them feeling, looking, and smelling so much better!
Urban Wag Pet Spa, where we do skin relief.
Lacey’s Happy Dance
The, “I just got pampered” happy dance brought to you by Miss Lacey! A Bichon full of energy and fun who loved her sPaw day!
Urban Wag Pet Spa where we do pampering
Happy 4th!
Urban Wag Pet and happy little Lacey here want to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July.
Please remember to secure your pets tonight. Things you can do to help alleviate their fear is to put them in a room as close to the center of your house as possible and play calming music. You can find calming pet music on YouTube. You can also type in “Doggy TV” which has pups playing and having fun.
Also, if they will let you, you can wrap an ace bandage around the ears and head, it will muffle some of the sound. Unfortunately tho, the pups feel the vibration in their bodies so if possible, hold them close to you and tell them they are safe you will protect them. 💕
A herd of adorable Chihuahuas flooded our salon with cuteness and we loved it!
Urban Wag Pet Spa, a loving spaw experience for the furry members of your family.
Call or text us at 602-441-5010 with questions or to schedule an appointment
Smiley Faces
Happy pup, happy life! We love bringing a smile to your pup’s face 💕
Urban Wag Pet Spa, a loving spaw experience for the furry member of your family. 602-441-5010
Located at 7th St and Thunderbird in the Goodwill Plaza.
Non Anesthesia Dental Cleaning
Non anestesia dental cleaning at Urban Wag Pet Spa. By appointment only and we have a few spots open still. May 2nd! Call 602-441-5010 for an appointment or for any questions!
A Day in the Life at Urban Wag Pet Spa
Happy dogs happy life….here is what a day looks like for us at Urban Wag Pet Spa. Located at 13240 N 7th St in Moon Valley! Feel free to stop by and say hi or call 602-441-5010 with any questions.
A day in the life…
Thought you would like to see what a day looked like on our Salon 💕