City Council Meeting 1-15-2025
Today's city council meeting I feel like I lost my words a few times and I didn't get everything that I wanted to say across but three minutes goes really fast guys. I know that my heart was racing and I was pretty on fire some people of the police department going to speak with me after so that was great as always I am putting a call out there for the next meeting for anyone that is able to come. I will post an event link. It's time it's time to rally the troops guys!! #colonycats #fortheloveofcats #catsarelife #animaladvocate #animalrights #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #2025
Last week we were contacted by our rescue friend about an elderly gentleman that desperately needed help with his cats. His wife had passed away and he was overwhelmed and just couldn't care for them any longer we planned for yesterday to pick the kitties up and they were in bad shape, which was completely unexpected. I'll keep you updated on their journey as of right now they will be in my foster room if you're able to help donate towards giving them a second chance in life we would be grateful #fortheloveofcats #shesallcat #animaladvocate #seniorcatfriends
Mr. Flowers
Mr. Flowerson loves the laser! I'm ok with playing with the cats with the laser pointer as long as at the end and during a toy in thrown in so they got the target! #fortheloveofcats #shesallcat #animaladvocate #catheros #mrflowerson
Guys! This sweet boy was found alone on a corner of an intersection in the West Valley. After taking him to the vet or assumptions are that he was either stepped on or some sort of trauma and he was dumped because whoever had I'm good to afford or didn't know what to do with a cat with this kind of injury. Amazing human found him reached out to me. I took him to the vet and this is what they had to say. He does have a broken humerus. He might be too little for a cast so it might need to have a surgery or potentially even be amputated to give him a chance of a great life. He really is the sweetest cat ever and I really think he deserves a great life, so please consider helping with a donation so we can give this guy he deserves.  I'm so thankful for all the help that everyone gives us for me to help these cats and kittens. It is only possible with everyone's help. ❤️ #fortheloveofcats #dosomething #spayandneuter #fosterkittens
I believe education is the missing link to the crisis of overpopulation and suffering of cats in Arizona!
Wednesday I took my lunch and went  to speak my three minutes at a city of phoenix council meeting. Did you know that anyone can come to a council meeting and you have# three minutes to speak about anything you want to? Obviously I wanted to speak about cats. This was my first time speaking at a council meeting so I was a little bit nervous, but I'll be better next time. I didn't say everything I wanted to say because you only have three minutes and sometimes I forget my words when I'm nervous, but I'll be better next time, I was second-guessing myself thinking who am I to come out and do this and then I was talking to Russ he reminded me of his montra "done is better that perfect" and I went up there and did it. It wasn't perfect, but I did it. Maybe I messed up maybe I wasn't perfect. Maybe I didn't say everything I need to say but at least I said something and it got the conversation started, and I will continue to go back and say something until a change is made, I truly believe that education is the key to ending the overpopulation of cats and the suffering of not only cats, but cat guardians. #catcrisisphx #fortheloveofcats #spayandneuter #educationiskey #thearizonaadvocats #dosomething #phoenixcitycouncil
My sweet Janis Joplin, as my sister would say one of the OGs, is gone, my heart is broken.
Three days ago, three days ago, I found out Janis had a very large very ugly tumor in her throat causing her horrible pain, along with it blocking air and digestion. With this type of situation not much can be done, so she got a steroid shot in hopes it would calm it down and we would go day by day, well it only took three days for me to know it was time. Three days earlier I was talking to my friend Anna about Janice and she said to me a quote that I will never forget and I will always be grateful that she shared with me so I'm gonna share with you because it's pretty powerful...
You will regret doing a day early... but you will regret it even more doing it a day late...
I found Janis Joplin in the middle of a road in Mesa Arizona 12 years ago. Her mom kept moving her and her two siblings to literally the middle of the road so I grabbed three of them and spent the couple days trying to trap the mom with no luck. They were one day old. I was getting ready to move back to Illinois in three weeks. What was I going to do with three baby kittens that neded bottle-fed? Well, they took the 24 Hour Drivr with me, Stella, my senior cat at that time Zoe, and my cousin Erin and we drove all the way from Arizona to Illinois bottle feeding them every two hours. My plan was to get them vetted and then find them homes but it was a really bad time in my life and I loved them and I needed them so I kept all three of them and I'm so glad I did. best cats in the entire universe three years later we moved back to Arizona so another 24 Hour Drive, Janis love her treats, she loves to spoon. She put up with all my nonsense, including moving, probably six times Dawn Kavanaugh years having to live at the Cat café as we weQuail Crossing Animal Hospitalff the ground. When it cRuss Kazmierczakithout her the house seems so empty. How could I have Eleanor Roosevelt and Grace Kelly but not J