Check out DaNelle on today's podcast!
On today's episode, we talk with DaNelle Wolford of and Wolf Tree Ranch about a situation that is probably close to many listeners' dairy goat journey. We get a couple of goats, and several years later, we get the BUG! Be it to excel in the show ring or to enhance the quality of your herd to improve their production and longevity, we start concentrating on improving the herds we have to create a better dairy goat for both ourselves and our customers. Listen as we discuss DaNelle's path and why her goals transitioned from simply having a milk supply for her family to creating goats that will be greater contributions to the Nigerian Dwarf herdbook for years to come. And also, we couldn't have her on without finding out about her latest endeavor, The Complete Guide to Raising Goats Online Program! www.weedemandreap.com/goatcourse