Teaching loose leash walking is one of my favorite things ever! It’s truly a lifestyle changer. Being able to walk your dog and keep all of your coffee in your cup is not something most are able to do.😂
In this video you can see where Harriett changed her pace because of a slight sidewalk change. Instead of having to grab the leash for correction I was able to verbally correct her. That my friends is HUGE progress! GO HARRIETT!🤪💕
I love dog sitting for previous clients! Salem’s owner has done so well with maintaining her training! She makes walking look easy!!🐾😍
First leash lesson for Harriet and her owner. It’s important to learn how to communicate through the lead. Proud of how this first lesson went and I can’t wait to see the improvement these two make together.😍
Sunrise, spaniel, and an Irish crème blend to celebrate Saint Patrick this past weekend.☘️ #stpatricksday #springerspaniel #adventuredog #dogsofinstagram #jetboil #jetboilcoffee #pisgahnationalforest
My guy🧡 #springerspaniel #birddogs #springerpuppy #training #flushingdogs
A poor video but I was super proud of Becca’s owner.
I was called to work with Becca on her reactivity. She is extremely reactive to other dogs and before I started filming this video the two dogs shown below rushed the fence and inevitably Becca had a severe reaction on the leash.
Instead of pulling Becca away, her owner was able to guide Becca into feeling more comfortable in the situation. With this particular session I was able to witness not only Becca’s confidence rise, but her owner’s as well.
Job well done.❤️
PSA: I do not condone the misuse of a retractable leash.😂
With that being said, I gave Little Libby a retractable leash on this walk to give her a “decompression” walk after training. The only heel training she has had as been treat training and she is 7 months old.
I’m only stating this to prove that shaping behaviors early on will prevent many issues later down the road.
On her walks she been rewarded for eye contact, deciding to come to me when reaching the end of the lead, and simply just for staying by me. She now knows I hold tremendous value and now this is what we look like.
Correct the bad behaviors, but more importantly reinforce the good ones even when they are naturally there.🐾
Miss Bailey working on her loose leash walking.😍🐾
I wish I loved Mondays as much as Sioux loves a pup cup!😂🐾
Babka prancing as we introduce our e technologies collar! Slow and Steady is what’s important while e collar conditioning. We want to make this a positive experience for both canine and owner!
Teaching this tool properly will allow Babka freedom, that’s what we intend to do!😉👍🏼
#cognitivecanine #advancedobedience
Some leash refreshers for Sophie!!🐾
Proper e collar use? Yes it’s a thing. And I can’t wait to see Alex have all the fun while wearing one!😉🖤
Sophie finished her offleash program and was able to have some fun with Sioux boy! Congrats to Sophie and her owner!🖤🐾
Oscar LOVES to train!! So much excitement when it comes to his place board!😍
#cognitivecanine #catoboard
The ✨WEBSITE✨ is up and running!
Thrilled to finally make my business more accessible to people. Share so others can take a gander👀
#cognitivecanine #dogtraining
“Shopping” with Tilley in Lowe’s! just a little snippet of how well she is doing. Consistent owners are awesome😍 one more proofing lesson and Tilley’s obedience program is finished!
#cognitivecanine #obediencetraining
If Sioux had a 30 second trailer..😂😂 Field English Springer vibes and nothing else.
#cognitivecanine #englishspringerspaniel
We’re taking a little break for the next couple of days! Here’s our fun morning exploring Corolla and Duck NC! 🌊☀️🐾
#cognitivecanine #beachdogs #obx