Dog training is very fundamental to a dogs well being. While some commands seem like just tricks and not really something a dog would use daily. This could not be further from the truth. We all know the basics "sit", "down", "off", "stay" and "leave it." My personal favorite command doesnt fall in the basics. My favorite is "Touch" this command sounds pretty straight forward. You are asking a dog to touch something. This single command can assist with so many behavioral issues. If your dog is afraid of strangers and will bark and nip at them. Teach your dog to go up touch the person and then walk back. It help socialize a dog that was otherwise not. You can also teach your dog to touch an object and this can be used for more then just fun. You can teach your dog to touch a safe space such as a car door or house door. This can have the dog remain in a safe space while waiting for a dangerous situation to pass. You do not just need to train out a bad behavior. Look at setting your dog or puppy up for success before there is a behavioral issue. If you are looking for some fun but beneficial dog training reach out to me and we can setup a free consultation.