Very disturbing video submitted by a concerned citizen showing this “man” TIM HUFF (724-679-8844 according to his tour boat) laugh about profiting to take tours of people to knowingly and intentionally harass an active Osprey nest!
Numerous witnesses confirmed he stated “I’m gonna take them right up to the shore under the nest, just like we always do. That’s part of the tour! One of the babies hatched yesterday”
So he admits he knows there are eggs hatching and an active nest, but sees absolutely nothing wrong with getting paid to abuse an endangered species in their home!! (Why do people pay him to do this is beyond me).
When one women attempted to educate him, his excuse was, “well there is no sign” Several other women also tried to make him understand that every Mom needs and deserves to feel safe in their home and will protect their offspring if you get too close. To which one of the people on his tour boat laughed and pulled the bow back and said he “would shoot the Osprey” (with his crossbow!!
At which time, the authorities were contacted and DCNR Park Ranger responded. Sadly, even though his job is to protect the wildlife in the State Park, and one would expect him to atleast know the laws protecting Osprey, he did not!!!!
THIS IS NOT OK! Calling all of to make this go viral!!
Not only is this a clear violation of the Federal Migratory Bird Act, and State Park Officials should atleast know the law....and actually care about the Endangered Species trying to make a come back! It should be an honor and privilege to have a returning pair Osprey choose to nest at their lake. It’s truly a shame that people like this can exploit our wildlife for a profit!!
How can people bow fish on a public lake anyhow?! That seems like a serious risk to !
Apparently there are NO RESTRICTIONS on this! First time Bow Hunters, with NO TRAINING OR SAFETY COURSE REQUIRED, are randomly shooting arrows across the lake at night!? Even though numerous people kayak, canoe and paddle this lake at night, as long as they pay for a license, stray arrows can fly at park goers. 😳.
Gee, what could go wrong?
SERIOUSLY..how is that even allowed?!
Share, share, share in the hopes we can actually get someone to protect the Osprey nest and shut this disgusting business down!