EQUESTRI-Sport improves the balance, mobility, coordination, strength and confidence of riders in ALL disciplines! Whether you want to make riding easier and more comfortable, or improve your riding, which improves your horse in multiple ways. Riders are Athletes. It is unfortunate that as a country we are not viewed that way…until now. EQUESTRI-Sport was, and continues to be developed by instructor/clinician/ and horse show Judge, Bethany White. It all started when she was 17 years old and hit by a drunk driver.
Bethany was a very avid rider and had high hopes of eventing at the highest levels. This tragedy left her lucky to walk and ride. Over the years Bethany worked with many physical therapists to be able to keep riding, and she rode professionally for many years. Her eyes we opened when Barbara Irvine introduce her to “Equicise,” and she was further intrigued when Hollie McNeil introduced her to “Balimo.” With this new inspiration, Bethany worked with more physical therapists and did many experiments with her riders to see what worked and what didn’t until she was ready to start her program, which is ever growing. And NOW, "Equestri-Sport" is becoming an Instruction Certification too!
EQUESTRI-Sport Clinics generally run around an hour and a half - sometimes longer depending on the needs of participants. It starts with a ground session. Participants are taught active and passivestretches specifically chosen for riders. Each person is different, so other stretches may be added. After this each person has a turn on the Balimo chair, and we do stretches on this. MANY people have solved their canter/lope issues by working on their seat on the Balimo chair. It is eye opening. It helps to stretch the lower back and pelvis, helps with balance and long term use betters core muscles and strength. We next do short cardio work and discuss right and left sides of the brain and how to activate them before we ride, to make it easier to do many different things with our bodies at the same time.
Last, but not least, is the under saddle portion. We do a large variety of coordination, balance, mobility, stretching, and strengthening exercises. This is generally done at the halt, walk, and trot/jog. More advanced riders sometimes get to canter/lope depending on the class. In addition to being very good for riders, it is also very fun! There are always giggles throughout the whole class. It’s generally done in a group setting and we all learn from each other!
We are in the EARLY stages of the "E-S" instructor certification process. As of now, what the prcess will look like is this: you fill out an applicatio. You may take the certification course OR you may audit and also get an "auditing certificate." The course will be run over a weekend. The first day will start with lecture on why we need to focus on the physical aspect and bio-mechanics of the rider. The we will go through a basic E-S clinic. we will all do the stretches and movements on the ground. The demo horses and riders will perform the undersaddle aspect. Certification participants will be asked to ride briefly ( if they are physically capable of riding). We will end with discussion Q&A. Second day will start with common rider errors and how to address them in a rider friendly way ( we address a change in the body). Examples are: heels down, bring the lower leg back, sit back, close your finger, quiet your hands, and the list goes on. Next is lunging the rider on the horse and lunging each other. We will talk how imperative it is to lunge rider to develop independent hand, seat, and leg ( and balance). Discussion. Last is saddle fitting. English and Western ( as many as time allow). A test will be taken home. Must pass the test, AND attend the entire course to attain this certification! :-)