I seriously am 💯 owned by my senior chis!!!! I just can’t!!!! Omg so cute!!!!
Sooooo I was always a big dog owner until I started dog boarding and therefore sleeping with other peoples dogs. The chis I watched would burrow under the blankets next to me….and there started my chi addiction which my friend Josephine Petrelli Hogan fully supported and got me my first senior chi….well…those of you who know me know my addiction is full on with the breed. My lastest street stray Scout that I adopted from Tiny Paws Rescue makes me happy every day like the rest of my pack….but ummmm well….he may be my current “favorite” child…this just made my heart explode!!!
I had to share this of my newbie Scout, Omg, the head drop moments MELT my heart ❤️ we are so in love ❤️❤️❤️
Safe to say my new senior is happy….what a loud snorer!
I foster for moments like these, getting the updates make my heart happy! Love you Ollie! See you Monday for a play date!!!
I absolutely love my home at night. They get brighter when a dog is close.
Soooo my senior boxer who came to me with bad arthritis in his hips was a happy dog but definitely could see his hips hurt when he moved. I got him on joint tabs, carprofen, tramadol and gabepentin right away which really helped….but…..then I was introduced to a monthly injection called Librela….he’s had 3 so far and to say it’s amazing how well he is doing is an under statement, he is taking full advantage of his more pain free body, he does this all the time now since I started the Librela 3 months ago but I never was fast enough to get it on video…finally….this is the results of putting your senior arthritic dog on a more comfortable existence ❤️❤️some you will only see a small difference cause they are so bad and not much will help and others you see run again. ❤️❤️
When it’s cold and WINDY I have coats for everyone so they can stay out longer. If your looking for a well made waterproof stays in place jacket go to Horsemans Outlet in Annandale or Weatherbeeta.com. They last forever!