Location: Glenview, IL
This sweet girl is named "Shenny". She is a sable Burmese located in Illinois. Her owner has passed away and she is being cared for by Burmese Kittens for Adoption right now. We need to find her a new home as quickly as we can. She is approximately 5-6 years old.
Shenny is up to date on her vaccinations. She was previously diagnosed with a cherry eye and it was treated by a vet. I can notice it still in the photos so it may need additional monitoring to make sure it is not an issue. But that is the only reported medical issue.
Because the owner passed away the information about what Shenny would get along with is limited. We simply don't know what her reaction will be to cats, dogs, children, etc. It could be absolutely fine, or perhaps she isn't fond of one or more of those. We just do not know. So please take that under advisement.
Shenny is VERY affectionate. She loves to be pet and wants to be snuggled. She's a talker and loves to be around the action - whatever that action happens to be. She's every bit a typical Burmese.
This is a private adoption. If you'd like to adopt Shenny mail: [email protected]
We would also consider a temporary foster home as she cannot remain at the current location indefinitely.
Contact: [email protected]