As most have seen Hedd Mutt Foundation has relaunched and a significant portion of our new mission is to care for the dogs that HMF has taken in over the years that never found their forever homes, but sanctuary here at HMF. When we revamped the mission from rescue to sanctuary and to build the Veterans program, we had planned to get daily post out to tell you about the things we are doing, but as with most well laid plans, life happens.
So today, we are here today to tell you about the life of Ms. Pamela Beasley. Long Post, but we warned you, the life of PB!
If you do not want to read the story, yes we are asking for donations for Pam's Cancer Treatment, the link to donate is at the bottom, scroll down.
Pam came to HMF in July 2018, with that promise of a committed foster family. It was estimated that Pam was about 2-3 yrs. old, underweight, overbred and has horrible skin and ear infections. We had Ms. Pam vetted, got meds for her skin/ears and scheduled a spay. At the exam small lumps were found in her mammary chain on the left side, these turned out to be Mast Cell Tumors and were completely excised.
Pam was on the road to recovery, then she lost her foster home, a story not worth telling as it is like so many others. Pam then went to one of co-founder’s home. Pam was heavily networked on social media and went to numerous adoption events, but as with so many other dogs in rescue Pam is highly dog reactive and was not able to be placed in a home with other pets. Between this, her size Pam is a solid 78 pounds and her appearance, we have been told quite often how scary looking she is, Pam remained unadopted. During this time, we worked with our vet on a diet plan to ensure Pam’s skin issues stayed under control and she had a routine, co-existing in rotation with her very own bedroom when she needed to be segregated from the resident dogs. Then we got the email! We had an inquiry about Pam and the family had no other pets, no time to waste, contact them immediately! They were wonderful! We love you Sabrina and Lou!
On March 5, 2023 Pam went into a permanent foster home, we chose this due to Pam’s allergies and Mast Cell Tumor history in the event that she needed more medical treatment at some point, the foundation could cover those cost…..well, my friends we are at that point.
In Feb 2024 a small lump was found on Pam’s neck, a FNA showed cancer cells. Off to surgery for Pammie. Left-sided Thyroid Follicular Carcinoma, excised with clear but narrow margins. Great all is well in the Pam world again and off to recovery, which she did recovery very nicely. This was also the time for Pam’s annual and her UA showed signs of an infection, so antibiotics for that, now why do I mention this, it becomes more relevant later in PB’s story.
Skip to early May, Sabrina is coming by to pick up the Pam Supplies, food, treats, etc…and says hey can you look at this, sure I can, what. Pam has a slightly enlarged ni**le with small amounts of bloody discharge, call the vet, they can see us tomorrow. Again, another FNA shows disorganized cancer cells……………..never a good sign. Let’s get her to surgery as soon as possible, the 16th of May, it is. The phone call, hey I have the pathology report back, do you have time to talk, the tone is there that tells me to be prepared for not great news. Pam had a Right Radical Mastectomy with Right Inguinal Lymph Node Extirpation. Results – Metastatic Mammary Carcinoma. The 4th and 3rd mammary glands and lymph node all were diagnosed with cancer, and the 2nd mammary gland was a benign mixed tumor. At this point no overt lung or abdominal metastasis noted on chest x-rays or abdominal ultrasound. Recommend seeing an Oncologist. Most in our area are not accepting new patients, so off to U of I.
11 June - Our first visit – Evaluation and Recommendations. They do recommend Chemo for Pam as it changes the prognosis for weeks to months, maybe a year and we can better manage when it is time to say good-bye, we agree, and we make a plan. Upon the first exam Pam’s heart appeared enlarged, so she will also need an echo to ensure the chemo drug of choice is safe for her, well you know as safe as it can be. In addition, several other lumps around her incision and 2 in the a**l area were FNA’d, all were negative except for one at the a**l region – Peria**l Gland Neoplasia, but surgery is not recommended at this time.
17 June – second visit for echo and 1st chemo treatment. Echo shows Chronic Valvular Disease (stage B1) and trivial mitral regurgitation, but these do not cause a problem for chemo, but they were unable to get a catheter placed appropriately and due to Doxorubicin’s potential significant tissue damage if it leaks from the catheter, no chemo today. Pam had bloodwork and a UA done, bloodwork was good, UA showed signs of infection, in less than 30 days from previous UA issue, so a stronger antibiotic and if not resolved we will culture.
21 June – third visit – catheter was placed, chemo treatment went as planned. Going back in 3 weeks, Jul 8th. Need follow up with regular vet 7 days post chemo for CBC and UA recheck, appt made!
Checked in on Pam today and her family says she seems a bit fatigued but otherwise herself. I think I have captured it all, and if you are still with me then here is where I ask for help with the mounting vet bills within our Sanctuary Program.
For Pam this year, outside of her annual vetting needs, here is where we are and we still have 4 chemo treatments, restaging after the 3rd treatment, more bloodwork...
Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis - $622 (cytology, ultrasound, x-rays)
Surgery for Thyroid Cancer - $1,126
Mammary Cancer Diagnosis - $560 (cytology, x-rays, coag panel)
Surgery for Mammary Gland Cancer - $2,516
U of I First Visit - $996
U of I Second Visit - $868 (echo, bloodwork, UA, etc.)
U of I Third Visit - $359 (1st Chemo)
To date we are at $7,047 – any help is appreciated, sharing is helping, donating is helping even more.
Here is the link to our donation page
Thank you in advance.
Hedd Mutt Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) Organization, your donation is tax deductible.