The Caring Vet - Fan Page

The Caring Vet - Fan Page Integrative Veterinarian - your other family doctor for your other family member... Looking for a holistic veterinarian that treats your whole pet? Acupuncture.

Nutrition. Tui-na. Cold Laser Therapy. Chiropractic/Spinal Manipulation. Meet "the Caring Vet" an integrative veterinarian.

This little fluffball is Riley!  His family brought him to see our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer,...

This little fluffball is Riley!

His family brought him to see our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer, for help with a few issues: weakness in his left rear leg, slower to get up, and excessive licking of his feet causing saliva staining.

In Conventional Western Veterinary Medicine, we are concerned with the lameness and the pruritis (itching). The lameness could stem from a neurological or orthopedic issue and the pruritis of the feet could be from food sensitivities/allergies.

In Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (Eastern Medicine), the kidneys are responsible for controlling bone(s) and the liver is responsible for controlling tendons and ligaments. The liver is also responsible for the feet. This helps us understand that these two problems are connected.

The Eastern and Western philosophies both indicated an issue with a tendon ligament and sure enough, Riley’s physical exam revealed the possibility of an ACL tear.

The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine pattern diagnosis is a Kidney Qi and Yin Deficiency plus a Liver Blood Deficiency. Dr. Selmer’s treatment plan is to Tonify the Kidney and Liver, and Tonify Yin, Qi, and Blood.

Dr. Selmer started acupuncture, cold laser therapy, and veterinary medical manipulation (chiropractic) as well as herbal and nutritional therapies. The goal is to keep Riley’s body and mind in balance for optimal quality of life.

Western diagnostics (such as bloodwork) were used to get a better look at the liver and kidneys and to help rule out the possibility of disease in those organs. Food allergy testing was also conducted.

Integrating Western Conventional Veterinary Medicine with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine allows Dr. Selmer to gain insight that may not be found by just using one of the philosophies. It also shows that everything is connected!

If you’d like to learn more about how Integrative Medicine can benefit your pet, contact us:

📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]

The Caring Vet - Fan Page

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions revolves around improving health and getting in shape. Bentley’s family is...

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions revolves around improving health and getting in shape.

Bentley’s family is making the same commitment to their beautiful senior Golden boy! ❤️

This sweet guy has joint pain in his shoulders, hips, and back and is experiencing discomfort while sitting, standing, and lying down. His family brought him to see our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer, for relief of his soreness and to address his weight issue.

Bentley’s weight increases his risk for endocrine and heart disease as well as orthopedic issues. Obesity is also known to shorten a dog’s lifespan by two years. Bentley’s family wants to have as much time as possible with their boy and they are committed to helping him be as healthy and comfortable as possible.

The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine pattern diagnosis is a Kidney Qi and Yin Deficiency and Phlegm/Damp. Dr. Selmer’s treatment plan is to Tonify the Kidney, Tonify Qi, Tonify Yin, Clear Damp, and Transform Phlegm.

Dr. Selmer started Bentley on a treatment plan that includes acupuncture, cold laser therapy, and herbal and nutritional therapies. As with all of our treatments, the goal is to relieve discomfort and improve quality of life.

Bentley came in for a recheck after his first treatment and he is already showing improvement. He is moving more easily and has already lost 2.5 pounds in just 10 days! 🙌

Let’s give Bentley and his family a round of applause for their great work and commitment to the process! 👏

If your fur baby is overweight and you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:

📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]

The Caring Vet - Fan Page

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

In the wide world of medicine, some physicians and veterinarians argue that only one type of medicine is scientifically proven, evidence-based, and supported by solid data, and all other treatments are unproven and lack scientific corroboration.


Motion palpation involves a veterinarian’s hands-on examination of every vertebral junction for functional changes, with the veterinarian taking each joint through its entire range of motion to detect motion loss or increased resistance to induced motion.

When a pet’s joint range of motion is restricted, it can result in neck or back pain, lameness, organ dysfunction, and a reduced immune response.

Veterinarians qualified in motion palpation and Veterinary Medical Manipulation (VMM) techniques (similar to human chiropractic care) can help restricted pets regain healthy joint movement and reduce their muscle tension, alleviate pain, strengthen muscles, and re-nourish cartilage and nerve tissue.

In our video below, you can see Zoe and Chloe undergoing motion palpation, VMM, and acupuncture from our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer. Dr. Selmer treated these girls for different issues over the years with great success. At the end of the video, you can see both dogs settling in for a nap.

Signs that your pet may benefit from VMM include:
🐾 Neck or back pain
🐾 Abnormal gait or undefined lameness
🐾 Abnormal posture or stance
🐾 Reduced performance
🐾 Reluctance to move, jump, or climb stairs

More signs that your pet may benefit from VMM:
🐾 Stiffness
🐾 Discomfort when being petted, groomed, or lifted
🐾 Recurrent digestive problems or incontinence
🐾 Recurrent infections
🐾 Lick granulomas

If you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:
📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]

This sweet face belongs to Natalie, and she is almost 16 years old! 💕 🎂 After being diagnosed with kidney failure, Natal...

This sweet face belongs to Natalie, and she is almost 16 years old! 💕 🎂

After being diagnosed with kidney failure, Natalie's family brought her in to see our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer, in hopes of slowing down the progression of the disease and improving her quality of life.

Dr. Selmer’s treatment plan focused on tonifying her kidneys and Qi (life force).

The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine pattern diagnosis is a Kidney Qi Deficiency + Liver Qi Stagnation.

Acupuncture and herbal and nutritional therapies were started four months ago and we are elated to report that Natalie is doing awesome! Her dad happily tells us that, “She is acting like a puppy again and is not showing any signs of kidney failure."
This feedback from Natalie's family is incredibly rewarding and makes our hearts smile!

If you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:

📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 1 in 4 dogs, and almost half of dogs over the ag...

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 1 in 4 dogs, and almost half of dogs over the age of 10, will develop cancer.

Dogs get cancer at roughly the same rate as humans, while there is less information about the rate of cancer in cats. Some cancers, such as lymphoma, are more common in cats than in dogs.

Pet Cancer Awareness Month aims to raise awareness about cancer in pets and promote early detection and treatment. Regular veterinary check-ups and knowing the signs can make a difference in the health of our furry friends.

Did you know that Dr. Michel Selmer of our Integrative Medicine Department can do a complete examination including specific lab testing to assess cancer risk in your pet?

The Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA) is a blood test to screen apparently healthy dogs for early signs of cancer and to evaluate if the dog is in a biological state that promotes the development of neoplasia (abnormal growth of cells or tissues in the body).

Result scores range from very low risk to highly elevated risk. Based on the scores, Dr. Selmer can identify which dogs need additional workups or intervention. The goal is to help identify high-risk patients and create a proactive health plan.

If you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:

📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]

Look who is published in the November issue of Natural Awakenings of NY and Long Island?!It's our very own, Dr. Michel S...

Look who is published in the November issue of Natural Awakenings of NY and Long Island?!

It's our very own, Dr. Michel Selmer of LIVS' Integrative Medicine Department! 🐕 🐈

In the article, he provides an overview of veterinary acupuncture:
📍 What is acupuncture?
📍 How acupuncture can benefit pets affected by a wide range of health conditions.
📍 What to expect during your pet's acupuncture appointment.
📍 How to know if your pet is a good candidate for acupuncture.

You can read the article here:

Stay tuned for the December 2023 and January 2024 issues for educational articles on food therapy for pets and an overview of motion palpation and Veterinary Medical Manipulation (VMM) techniques!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the first lecture in our FREE 'Pet Owner Education Series'! 🔊 Dr. Michel Selmer ...

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the first lecture in our FREE 'Pet Owner Education Series'! 🔊

Dr. Michel Selmer of the LIVS Integrative Medicine Department, spoke to a very interested group of pet owners on the topic of 'Integrative Veterinary Medicine: Combining Eastern & Western Approaches for Optimal Pet Health'.

We plan to continue our series in the coming months by focusing on individual modalities (such as food therapy and herbal medicine) and how they work together for a whole-body approach to care. Please stay tuned for details! 📓 📅

We genuinely appreciate everyone who took the time to attend. We look forward to incorporating integrative modalities into the treatment plans for all pets.

If you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:
📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]

The Caring Vet - Fan Page

Little Duchess is pretty in pink! 🎀 She has been limping on her back right leg and a physical exam showed that she has l...

Little Duchess is pretty in pink! 🎀

She has been limping on her back right leg and a physical exam showed that she has luxating patellas (kneecaps). We also discovered a heart murmur and some spotty alopecia (loss of hair).

Her family brought her to see our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer, for some relief and further diagnostics to help rule out any other anomalies and/or diseases that could have led to this lameness.

Dr. Selmer’s treatment plan is to Clear Blood and Qi Stagnation, tonify the liver and kidneys, and build nourishing blood.

The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine pattern diagnosis is Local Qi and Blood Stagnation + Liver Qi Stagnation + Liver Blood Deficiency.

Dr. Selmer started acupuncture as well as herbal and nutritional therapies. As with all of our treatments, the goal is to relieve discomfort and improve quality of life.

Duchess came in for a recheck this week and after just one treatment, she is no longer limping! 🙌

If you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:

📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]


Check out Michel Selmer's video.

Logan would like to share his story and what it was like having an appointment with our Integrative Medicine Practitione...

Logan would like to share his story and what it was like having an appointment with our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer.

Logan was diagnosed with a mass in his liver. Wishing to incorporate Eastern and Western medicine to give Logan the best chance at a longer quality of life, his family made an appointment with our Integrative Medicine department.

Dr. Selmer’s treatment plan is to tonify or bolster his Wei Qi (Immune Defense System), build nourishing blood, slow down cell mutation rates, clear the stagnation of the mass, and help relieve the ascites (fluid in the abdomen).

The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine pattern diagnosis is an Accumulation of Yin Substances in the Liver + a Wei Qi Deficiency + Fluid Accumulation due to Spleen Qi Deficiency.

Acupuncture, along with herbal and nutritional therapies, were started. Dr. Selmer is also incorporating a nutritional consultation to help maximize the use of food as medicine.

The goal is to help relieve Logan's symptoms, slow the progression of the tumor, and, most importantly, improve his quality of life.

If you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:

📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]

Check out Michel Selmer's video.


Join us for the first lecture in our FREE 'Pet Owner Education Series'! 🔊

TOPIC: Integrative Veterinary Medicine: Combining Eastern & Western Approaches
for Optimal Pet Health

SPEAKER: Michel Selmer, DVM, MS, CTCVMP (Integrative Medicine), CVMMP (Chiropractic) - LIVS Integrative Medicine Department

DATE: Wednesday, November 15, 2023

TIME: 7:00-8:00 PM (Q&A to follow)

LOCATION: LIVS Education Center, 163 S. Service Road, Plainview, NY

RSVP: ✉️ Email us: [email protected] or call: 📲 (516) 501-1700

Refreshments will be served and raffle prizes will be given away! 🎫

We look forward to seeing you there!


Check out Michel Selmer's post.

This handsome man is Murphy!He was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his spleen. After having it removed, he came to s...

This handsome man is Murphy!

He was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his spleen. After having it removed, he came to see Dr. Selmer. Murphy’s Integrative Medicine treatment plan included acupuncture, herbal therapy, and nutritional therapy.

The treatments are aimed at tonifying/bolstering the immune system, the spleen and stomach, and Qi (life force), building healthy nourishing blood, eliminating phlegm, and clearing stagnation.

After only two months, Murphy is doing super and we are hopeful that he will continue to improve as a result of his treatments.

If you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:

📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]


Please say ‘hi’ to Suzy!

For three months, she had been limping in her back legs (right side worse than the left), having some tummy troubles (loose stool), and living with a long-term heart murmur.

Her family brought her to see our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer, for some additional relief.

Dr. Selmer’s treatment plan was to clear the stagnation of her Qi (life energy) and blood to help with the limping and tonify the spleen/stomach, and to reduce her body’s heat and dampness to address the loose stool.

The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine pattern diagnosis is Channel Bi Syndrome and Gastrointestinal Damp Heat.

After receiving just one treatment of acupuncture, cold laser therapy, and veterinary medical manipulation (VMM) and beginning herbal and nutritional therapies, Suzy was already strutting her stuff, without any limping!

If you’d like to know how your pet can benefit from an integrative medicine approach, contact us:

📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]


This is Dolly…..

What is Integrative Medicine?Integrative medicine takes a holistic approach to treating disorders, combining proven tech...

What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative medicine takes a holistic approach to treating disorders, combining proven techniques of both Western and Eastern medicine to optimize your pet’s health.

The integrative medicine techniques we use are gentle, minimally invasive, and emphasize patient well-being and stress reduction. Based on a thorough evaluation of your pet’s daily environment, medical condition and relationship with you, our veterinarian will determine the best combination of both conventional and alternative therapies.

Interested in learning how Integrative Medicine can benefit your pet?

📞 Give us a call at (516) 501-1700.
🌐 Visit our website at

Learn more about Integrative Veterinary Medicine!

Learn more about Integrative Veterinary Medicine!

Our Integrative Medicine team at LIVS takes a whole-body approach to care.

The integrative medicine techniques we use are gentle, minimally invasive, and emphasize patient well-being and stress reduction. Based on a thorough evaluation of your pet’s daily environment, medical condition, and relationship with you, our team will determine the best combination of both conventional and alternative therapies for your pet. We utilize integrative techniques such as:

🐾 Acupuncture
🐾 Chinese herbology
🐾 Food Therapy
🐾 Herbal Medicine
🐾 ...and more to help your pet!

Learn more about our Integrative Medicine by visiting our website ( or give us a call at (516) 501-1700.

Summer Safety at the Pool…

Summer Safety at the Pool…

Check out Michel Selmer's post.

Was your fur baby diagnosed with Cancer?

Was your fur baby diagnosed with Cancer?

Has your fur baby been diagnosed with Cancer?

Is you fur baby itchy?

Is you fur baby itchy?

Is your fur baby itchy?

Saltwater safety and your fur baby…

Saltwater safety and your fur baby…

Saltwater safety for your fur baby…

Is your fur baby limping? How can Integrative Veterinary Medicine help…

Is your fur baby limping? How can Integrative Veterinary Medicine help…

Is your fir baby limping? Having difficulty walking? How can Integrative Veterinary Medicine help?


163 South Service Road
Plainview, NY


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