This little fluffball is Riley!
His family brought him to see our Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Dr. Michel Selmer, for help with a few issues: weakness in his left rear leg, slower to get up, and excessive licking of his feet causing saliva staining.
In Conventional Western Veterinary Medicine, we are concerned with the lameness and the pruritis (itching). The lameness could stem from a neurological or orthopedic issue and the pruritis of the feet could be from food sensitivities/allergies.
In Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (Eastern Medicine), the kidneys are responsible for controlling bone(s) and the liver is responsible for controlling tendons and ligaments. The liver is also responsible for the feet. This helps us understand that these two problems are connected.
The Eastern and Western philosophies both indicated an issue with a tendon ligament and sure enough, Riley’s physical exam revealed the possibility of an ACL tear.
The Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine pattern diagnosis is a Kidney Qi and Yin Deficiency plus a Liver Blood Deficiency. Dr. Selmer’s treatment plan is to Tonify the Kidney and Liver, and Tonify Yin, Qi, and Blood.
Dr. Selmer started acupuncture, cold laser therapy, and veterinary medical manipulation (chiropractic) as well as herbal and nutritional therapies. The goal is to keep Riley’s body and mind in balance for optimal quality of life.
Western diagnostics (such as bloodwork) were used to get a better look at the liver and kidneys and to help rule out the possibility of disease in those organs. Food allergy testing was also conducted.
Integrating Western Conventional Veterinary Medicine with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine allows Dr. Selmer to gain insight that may not be found by just using one of the philosophies. It also shows that everything is connected!
If you’d like to learn more about how Integrative Medicine can benefit your pet, contact us:
📲 Call LIVS to schedule a consultation (no referral needed): 516-501-1700
🌐 Email Dr. Selmer directly: [email protected]
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