We know it can be scary to board your fur baby. But don't worry - your pet's safety while they board with us is our top priority! We have a number of policies, procedures, and add-ons available to help protect your pet.
Our safety standards and procedures have been developed in partnership with veterinarians in the Yourgi network. We follow strict cleaning protocols and use the same disinfectant that NASA uses to keep our facility as clean as possible. Vaccinations are required to board with us - call us or visit our website to learn more. And last but not least, we offer two great safety-focused add-ons: "Peace of Mind" & "Peace of Mind+". Peace of Mind provides reimbursement of any veterinary costs up to $500 per visit/$1,000 per year in eligible veterinary expenses for illnesses or injuries that occur due to their visit with us. Peace of Mind+ includes our Peace of Mind coverage plus fun extras to make your pet's stay safe AND fun.
Contact us if you have any questions about boarding safety for your furry friend.