Being your pet’s superhero means stopping parasites in their tracks. And you have the power to do just that!
Get ready to save BIG on heartworm, flea, and tick meds starting May 1.
Pet parents, unite! ⚡
So Ruby just took a bottle cap from an open drawer (not sure why it was in there, maybe she put it there), then dropped it into this open metal container to play with it. #smartcat #stupidcatvideo #cheapcattoy
Anyone need a random video of the Carroll kittens' cheap (well, the groceries weren't cheap, but the bag was) entertainment to brighten their day?
Recycling in the Carroll home has never been so fun...
Sisterly ❤️ : Branch had to get a bath because sometime in the night, he fell into the greasy water that was the crock pot insert soaking in the sink, leaving his back half an oily mess. Ruby is trying to make it all better.
It's called a mouse for a reason...
She's been at it for over 10 minutes. This was a good cat toy purchase.
So did you know there are iPad apps for cats? #nowyoudo
All I want to do is drink my coffee & read the paper in peace...