Here’s what I focus on in the first 30 days of bringing a puppy home.
🏠 Make sure the entire household is (mostly) on the same page. Everyone will have their individual preferences, but remember that above all, what’s best for the puppy’s growth and development comes first.
🛒Shop for your supplies BEFORE you pick up your puppy. The first day you have them is absolutely not the time to take them to the pet store. They are processing so much, take them home to decompress and adjust.
⏰ Create a realistic schedule. Give yourself & the puppy breaks with crate time to lessen frustration and accidents. Be intentional with the time your pup is out of the crate & always keep watch.
While you can start shaping obedience cues at anytime, I find it more beneficial to focus more on the very very basics with pups between 8-10, even 12 weeks. Crate, potty, hand feeding, name, markers, socialization, confidence. These are all foundational elements of a well rounded dog and the first 16weeks are pretty darn important. I of course reward behaviors I do like and throw some obedience shaping in here and there, but it’s not my main focus.
Send me your questions! 🐶