Just tired of all the BS here in the lakes. It's sad. I can tell you there is a new wave of people that are moving in that want more for Hal and we will make progress around you. Does not matter what side of the lake, public, private. Either way we need peace amongst us. I will just post my thoughts here. Appreciate them or look away. There are some here rotten to the core and extremely disrespectful people that make it a goal to respond 500 times on a post to rant about stuff that does not make any sense. Here is my rant. You can be a nut all you want just keep it away from me. We will be helping animals. We will be helping people. We do not care about past. We take you are face value until you prove otherwise. What we do not need another page, you are right. Another hate filled page with arguing and disrespect is not needed. So here is my page. I will post just for me about successes and things that needs worked on. If it's just me that is here I am great with that. We tried that before, it won't work, don't waste your time. None of that has business in here. Here is a thought. Positive vibes for the lake only and hate is not tolerated. Damn right. May be just me here but I am good with that.