Stumbling Blocks
How do I start my day? Do I prepare for battles that I may face during the day? Do I have strategies in place to counter the enemy?
Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacy nor with the wine which he drank.
While preparing to feed the goat herd at New Life Trails, it became necessary to develop a strategy for success. While they are so very cute and I love caring and sharing them, they are treacherous when it comes to feeding them. They know how to position and plant themselves right in front of my feet to make passage to the feeder IMPOSSIBLE, and then they will climb me to get into the feed bucket. It is a situation that is guaranteed to fail separate from a very wise strategy being in place.
In almost the exact way, Satan has a strategy for each moment of my day. He plants deception in my path each day to detour my hearts desire to live in and be who I am in Jesus. The Bible says in John 10:10 that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The Fruit of the Spirit is the plumb line by which I make myself available for God to work through me in Jesus name to minister to a very lost and hurting world. Satan’s work represents the Fruit of the Flesh(goats) determined to stop and detour me. It’s symbolized by having
A RIGHT to hate, but I love in Jesus’ name,
A RIGHT to despair, but I have joy
A RIGHT to be anxious, but I have peace,
A RIGHT to be impatient, but I am patient for God’s timing,
A RIGHT to be unkind, but I am kind,
A RIGHT to be harsh, but I am gentle,
A RIGHT to be bad, but I choose goodness,
A RIGHt to be unfaithful, but I am faithful
A RIGHT to practice self-will, but I exhibit self-control
My Dear Heavenly Father, Abba,
Help me to start each day by examining my failures the day before, and identifying the strategies that didn’t work. Reveal to me as I search Your Word for scriptures and examples from Your Saints of the strategies that prevailed against the darkness that desires to encapsulate and leave me spiritually immobile. Herein, I will give You the glory, the praise, and the honor.